On a donations-are-accepted, I offer individual healing sessions and readings either in person or over the telephone (or Facebooks’ free phone on Facebook/Kathleen.Milner). During Covid restrictions, common donations ranged from $50 to $200. Those who are monetarily challenged pray for me.
Healing Example:
Late one night, the veterinarian had been called to the barn because my horse was dying. He was sweating profusely, his heartbeat was over 100, he had muscle spasms all over his body, he stood as still as a statue, and his blood was black.
I prayed and told him that he could use the healing energy to either make an easy transition into the world of Spirit or heal. I also sent healing. I repeated God’s telephone number (87312 957) while circling counterclockwise with my left hand. I also sent the symbol, RELEASE.
At one point, the pain was so severe that Melchizedek’s soul left and an Archangel’s soul came into Melchizedek’s body to heal and deflect the pain. After giving Melchizedek pain medication, and leaving additional pain medication with the stable owner, the veterinarian left.
At 2:30 in the morning, Melchizedek turned around. To everyone’s astonishment, later that morning, he ate breakfast and was so lively that they turned him out in the pasture with the other horses. A couple of days later, Melchizedek’s soul came back into his body.
When you are on my HOME page, click on my name at the top of the left-hand column. You will end up on MY page. Scroll down to listen to live meditations that I have posted. I record & post new meditations twice a month. Some people record the meditations on their cell phones so that the meditations are readily available.
Free and ongoing since August 2008. Wherever you are on Wednesday night and the hour is 8:00 pm (20:00 hours), ask God’s Angels, “Please connect me to the Tera Mai™ healers who are doing the clearings & healings.”Then pray for whomever or whatever you wish, in the manner of your choice, and for as long as you wish.If 8:00 pm does not work out for you, start at the top of any hour and ask God’s Angels, “Please connect me to wherever the hour is 8:00 pm on Earth and the Tera Mai™ healers who are doing the clearings & healings.”
On other days of the week, ask God’s Angels, “Please connect me to the Wednesday Night Clearing Wave and to the Tera Mai™ healers who are doing the clearings & healings.”
Pray, meditate or send healing to yourself, others, or to a favorite cause; and to Mother Earth for as long as you like.
In 2018, I began offering 30-Day Prayer Intensive began in 2018. The first of the 30 days begins the day you sign up. I pray for each person or cause individually. Suggested donation is $99. Please contact me first if you are interested. For Paypal use [email protected]. People were healed, others had their requests answered. Some people received unexpected answers to their prayers.
Sometimes, people asked me to pray for individuals who are critically ill or dying. In these cases I give the person’s higher self the choice of using the prayers to heal or to make an easy transition into the Light. Half of these particular people made an unexpected, easy passage into the world of Spirit. The other half received a miracle.
In April 2019, Wayne Salisbury of England asked me to pray for his cousin. Bradley Peacock was in the hospital at death’s door. Bradley was so close to death and weak that the doctors would not operate to remove a problem cyst. … That is all Wayne told me.
As I prayed for Bradley, I received the message, “Bradley has sepsis (blood poisoning). There is fungus behind they cyst.” I emailed Wayne to ask if this was true.
The following day, Wayne answered, “Yes! I am amazed – all hairs on my arms stood on end when I read your email. Today, the doctors drained black puss from him and flushed him out. …”
Four days later, Wayne emailed again, “The doctors drained 3 liters of black puss out of Bradley. Bradley still has drains in. His is tired and his blood pressure and heart rate are still out of whack, but he’s improving.”
During the following 5 months, the doctors removed Bradley’s cyst. Bradley continued to recover BUT he also had setbacks and was in and out of intensive care. Some setback were severe, and the doctors told Bradley’s family that he would die. However, Bradley recovered each time. By September, Bradley was well and returned home.
For several years, Karina Hall and I have been doing clearings/healings together. Lately, the clearings and healings have been phenomenal. So, we invited others to join us. It is FREE. On Sundays at 3:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time, ask God’s Angels, “Please connect me to the Wednesday Clearing Wave and to Karina and Kathleen.”
Pray, meditate or send healing to yourself, others, or to a favorite cause; and to Mother Earth for as long as you like.