I am interested in
channeling healing and opening my psychic abilities. Is it best to take the
Tera-Mai Reiki attunements or Tera-Mai Seichem attunements?
If you like to take your time and integrate slowly, it would be advisable to
begin with Tera-Mai Reiki. The energy runs hot and cold. In the second Tera-Mai
Reiki attunement there is an attunement to the feet, which opens the initiate
to the electromagnetic healing of the Earth Mother. This energy has a
“buzz” to it.
Tera-Mai Seichem has the energy of earth (Reiki), fire (Sakara), water
(Sophi-El) and air (Angeliclight). The healing/psychic aspect of fire is a
sparkling, prickling energy that works both in the aura and physical body. The
healing/psychic aspect of water is pulsating cool waves of energy that works to
bring up deep emotional issues to be felt and released. The healing/psychic
aspect of air is mental healing and energizing the third eye.
What is the difference between taking a Tera-Mai class and Kathleen’s
Shamanic Class?
Tera-Mai healing energy works both hands-on and absentee. In Kathleen’s
Shamanic Class she holds the circle of energy so that the participants can
learn to Journey to the Otherworlds (other realms of reality or fields of
consciousness) by projecting their consciousness out through their third eye.
Kathleen also includes initiations in this class that help the class
participants open to their healing and psychic abilities in another way; thus,
allowing the fledgling Shaman to work effectively in the Otherworlds to bring about
changes in this one. This does not mean that the one who Journeys is able to
manipulate other people or events for their own selfish purpose. What this
means is that the Shaman sets his/her intention before beginning the Journey
and watches him/herself, the angels and spirit helpers (Holy Spirit) work to
bring about changes for the best of all concerned. The Shaman may ask questions
while Journeying. Holy Spirit is not going to allow the one who Journeys to
take something that belongs to another, or do harm or hold a soul in a body
when the time has come for that soul to make a transition.
What are the Tera-Mai initiations of Tera-Mai Sakara, Sophi-El, Angeliclight
and Tera-Mai Cahokia?
The three Tera-Mai Seichem initiations include the 3 Tera-Mai Reiki attunements
as well as the first initiations into Tera-Mai Sakara, Sophi-El and
Angeliclight. Think of Tera-Mai Sakara, Sophi-El and Angeliclight as a whole
pie. One third of that pie is divided into three parts and one of these three
parts is transferred in each of the three Tera-Mai Seichem attunements. The
other 2 pieces of the remaining pie are given in Tera-Mai Sakara II and Sakara
III. These initiations further open the initiate to the elemental healing
energies of fire, water and air.
Tera-Mai Cahokia is the combined force of elemental power and is the
healing/psychic energy that Kathleen Milner was born with. The elemental energy
becomes multifaceted and works in startling and unique ways.
What about the school for the healing arts that Kathleen Milner mentions in her book, Reiki & Other Rays of Touch Healing?
From the first edition of her first book, Kathleen Milner has stated that Sakara, Sophi-El, Angeliclight and Cahokia will be taught from a central school by qualified instructors only. In light of what happened to Reiki and even Seichem, this action is warranted so as to protect the healing/psychic energy from Tera-Mai attunements. To a man or woman as the case may be, those who have received Cahokia III (Cahokia is necessary to transfer Angeliclight initiations) and who would like to do the Sakara, Sophi-El and Angeliclight attunements have asked that the school to be a school without walls.
In order for there to be a school without walls, those who were trained to give the Sakara, Sophi-El and Angeliclight attunements signed a contract. They agreed to only give and receive initiations that are given within the Tera-Mai system, to keep the initiations standardized, and not to teach or show anyone else how to do these initiations. There is a $1,000,000 penalty for non-compliance! So, those who signed the lifetime contract are truly dedicated to Tera-Mai! All of these individuals are listed on this site. Click on FIND INSTRUCTORS and scroll down to ADVANCED INITIATIONS to find a qualified instructor.
Why is it
important to keep the Tera-Mai attunements pure?
All healing energy comes
from God! In order for God to work through Tera-Mai in increasingly
dramatic and sudden ways, it is necessary to keep Tera-Mai itself pure. (God
requires a pure vessel!) This purity is achieved by the angels, who
cut the cords of those who give or receive manmade attunements as well as those
who practice black magic. This is verified as truth by such people who
have lost the energy of Tera-Mai. It is also inexorably confirmed by the
fact that the healing energy of Tera-Mai continues to increase because it is
kept pure.
Universal initiations come from God! When people change Universal
initiations they also “mess around” with the energy of the attunement.
(This is logical!) The energy of manmade attunements is
different from that of Universal attunements, and the energy of manmade
attunements does not last the test of time. The energy of manmade
attunements interferes with the energy of Universal attunements, and eventually
all of the healing energy is gone. People who take Tera-Mai classes are
aware of the standards – that is, that in order to use the trademark Tera-Mai,
the instructor/initiator must refrain from giving or receiving other Reiki,
other Seichem and manmade attunements. (What is manmade is left up to
the discernment of the instructor/initiator.) Because this
contractual agreement is a part of the Tera-Mai trademark, when people dishonor
the contract, the energy of Tera-Mai leaves them rather quickly.
I am a business person! What should I expect from Kathleen’s workshop
Reinvent Yourself?
Expect to challenge your left brain to the possibilities of other fields of
reality and to open your right brain to its creative potential. Bring your
business and personal problems with you! Transfer what you learn in this
workshop to create or recreate a positive personal and professional life.