{"id":1273,"date":"2024-05-12T16:16:54","date_gmt":"2024-05-12T20:16:54","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/kathleenmilner.com\/?p=1273"},"modified":"2024-06-13T16:18:44","modified_gmt":"2024-06-13T20:18:44","slug":"qa-learning-higher-tera-mai-initiations","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/kathleenmilner.com\/qa-learning-higher-tera-mai-initiations\/","title":{"rendered":"Q&A Learning Higher Tera Mai\u2122 Initiations"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

QUESTION<\/strong>: \u00a0Respected Madam
You had given me the mastership and permission to initiate people into Aakasha initiation. And as per your instructions I have not given mastership rights \u00a0of Aakasha initiation to anybody .
\u00a0Madam can I ask for the masterships of 7 holy flames , \u00a0New \u00a0Sakara, Cahokia, heart initiation, Egyptian initiation? Could you please bless me with the above mastership, or whichever you feel suitable?
Then, as per your 17th April mail, I can send you the small amount after each higher vibrational initiation.
Thanking you<\/p>\n\n\n\n

FIRST OF ALL:<\/strong>\u00a0 The energies of Reiki, as taught to Takata by Buddha, began to evaporate after she cut the symbol, SAY HEY KEY, in half and made other changes to Reiki initiations.
– \u00a0Nobody by the name of\u00a0Usui\u00a0(or any\u00a0derivation\u00a0of the name,\u00a0Usui)<\/em>even attended the University of Chicago.\u00a0(Call the University of Chicago for yourself.. – – I did.)<\/em>\u00a0 \u00a0 – \u00a0NOTHING about Takata\u2019s story concerning Usui checks out. \u00a0(I checked. \u00a0Even the so-called monument to Usui in Japan is\u00a0laser\u00a0cut.)\u00a0<\/em> – \u00a0Not one of Takata\u2019s Reiki Masters came close to\u00a0facilitating the quality of healings that Takata was able to do.

ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION: \u00a0<\/strong>Yes, I taught you how to give the Tera Mai\u2122 Akasha Seichem initiations.
I have not taught anyone how to give the new Sakara, 7 Holy Flames, Heart Chakra or Egyptian initiations.\u00a0
\u00a0In an effort to \u00a0maintain the connection that Tera Mai\/\u2122 initiations have to Divine Source, and that Holy Spirit continues to work \u00a0powerfully through Tera Mai\u2122 initiations to clear and heal, Alberto and Alvagh are working on setting up a Tera Mai\u2122 Academy and a new Tera Mai\u2122 website..\u00a0
To this end, people who want to heal can look on the Golden Tera Mai\u2122 \u00a0Reiki Masters page on\u00a0www.KathleenMilner.com<\/a>. \u00a0As for the higher initiations, they may have to be given only through the Golden Tera Mai\u2122 Academy. \u00a0I suggested in my April 17th email that a small portion of the cost of these initiations be paid to the Tera Mai\u2122 Academy to be used for trademark and other costs.
Previously when I taught people how to give higher initiations, some people I initiated, as well as MANY people that my students taught, and students of my students\u2019 were either not taught properly or decided they could change Tera Mai\u2122 initiations. \u00a0Thus, they made their own manmade initiations. \u00a0 As a result, \u00a0higher Tera Mai\u2122 initiations were no longer Universal and no longer connected to DIVINE HEALING.

FURTHERMORE, \u00a0alL Tera Mai\u2122 initiations and energies were adversely impacted – – even for myself. \u00a0That is why Buddha and the Angels withdrew Divine Energy from the higher Tera Mai\u2122 initiations. \u00a0 Over the ensuing YEARS, I was given new initiations for the higher vibration initiations.
I still offer to clear and re-initiate those who received these manmade initiations for a donation.<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

QUESTION: \u00a0Respected MadamYou had given me the mastership and permission to initiate people into Aakasha initiation. And as per your instructions I have not given mastership rights \u00a0of Aakasha initiation to anybody .\u00a0Madam can I ask for the masterships of 7 holy flames , \u00a0New \u00a0Sakara, Cahokia, heart initiation, Egyptian initiation? Could you please bless … <\/p>\n