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Cost: $777 per level

What is Cahokia?

Cahokia is a spiritual practice that channels Pure White Light from the Divine Creator through selected stars and Gautama Buddha, manifesting in Tera-Mai™ Cahokia. This energy enters the healer’s spine and primarily works through the Heart Chakra, the hands, and the Third Eye. Practitioners often feel their hands pulsating with electric energy, emanating intricate patterns and powerful flows.

Cahokia represents an advanced level of spiritual learning, similar to a PhD, allowing individuals to gain deep knowledge and expertise in their chosen field, whether healing or another discipline. It enables individuals to connect more deeply with God’s angels, ascended masters, and the energies of the heavens and Earth.

The Origins of Cahokia

  • Galactic Heritage: Cahokia originates from a highly spiritual and advanced culture within our galaxy.
  • Ancient Wisdom: It draws upon the spiritual energies of the Earth, allowing elementals, nature spirits, and power animals to work more closely with initiates.
  • Egyptian Connection: The healing energy of Cahokia aligns with the 7 Sacred Flames and Higher Egyptian Consciousness, which also have origins beyond our planet.

The Evolution of Cahokia Initiations

Over time, as Earth’s frequency has risen in preparation for the Golden Age, it has become necessary to update the Cahokia initiations to better align with these higher energies and offer a deeper healing path. Additionally, some practitioners had abused these energies for negative purposes, violating Buddha’s Tera Mai standards. The new Cahokia initiations reflect these changes.

New Cahokia Initiations (Introduced on October 18, 2024)

Healers previously initiated in Tera-Mai™ Cahokia can receive the new Cahokia initiations:

  1. Cahokia 1: Replaces Sakara, Sophi-el, and Angeliclight (Sakara II and Sakara III initiations).
    • Continuation of elemental healing of air (Angeliclight), water (Sophi-el), and fire (Sakara) present in Tera Mai™ Akasha Seichem.
  2. Cahokia 2: Replaces the old Cahokia 1 initiation.
    • Continues the introduction of the Violet Flame for transformation, alchemy, and reverse aging.
  3. Cahokia 3 & 4: Replace Cahokia 2 & 3.
  4. Cahokia 5 & 6: Replace Cahokia 4 & 5.
  5. Cahokia 7 & 8: Replace Cahokia 6 & 7.
  6. Cahokia 9: Replaces Cahokia 8.
  7. Cahokia 10: Replaces Cahokia 9.

Those who have already received the Sakara II and Sakara III initiations can access Cahokia I with an offering. Those who have received a level of Cahokia can obtain the equivalent updated level with a donation.

The higher levels of Cahokia, together with correct action and a loving heart, bring greater healing abilities and energy.

Why the Changes?

In the past, some practitioners strayed from Buddha’s teachings in Tera-Mai™, distorting the original symbols of Sakara and Sophi-el and using them improperly. This diminished the healing energies associated with the Sakara and Cahokia initiations. Recognizing the need for renewal, on October 18, 2024, the Golden Buddha granted new, stronger Cahokia initiations. These initiations restore and enhance the energies of alchemy, allowing practitioners to access higher levels of spiritual healing.

Prerequisites for Cahokia Initiations

  • Tera Mai™ Akasha Seichem 1, 2 & 3
  • 7 Holy Flames
  • Higher Egyptian Consciousness

These prerequisites prepare students for the transformative energy of Cahokia and enhance their ability to work with its healing powers.

The Power of Cahokia Healing

  • Connection with Celestial Bodies: Cahokia recognizes that, like humans, celestial bodies have unique attributes that can help or hinder us.
  • Energetic Geometry: When stars and planets form perfect geometries, they create invisible energy lines that Cahokia practitioners can tap into.
  • Elemental Collaboration: The practice enhances cooperation with elementals and nature spirits, amplifying the healing process.

How to Receive the Initiations

To embark on the path of Cahokia or receive re-initiations, contact Kathleen Milner at: [email protected]. Each level costs $777. Those who have already received the Sakara II and Sakara III initiations can take Cahokia I with an offering. Those who have received a level of Cahokia can receive the updated equivalent for a donation.

Re-initiations are offered for a donation.


Cam’s Testimony on the New Cahokia 1 & 2 Initiations

Experience during initiation:

  • “I saw a dark pointed object shaped like a half fan. It blocked something. Then bright lights appeared one by one. White began to appear from the darkness.

A huge golden light and a golden cross. White light and a huge angel. A very bright light. A white bird flew from the great angel.

A huge light green dragon flew above me, while a white dragon waited on the ground near a lake and trees.

Flash. An image of Our Lady of Mount Carmel appeared. An angel in armor held a broad sword. Fast movement. In my mind, I was told and heard clearly: ‘Archangel Michael’.”*

Healing experiences after initiation:

“I feel the energy much stronger when I send distant healing and when I send God’s prayers to people, including myself.”

 Shilpa Deshmukh Testimony on the New Cahokia 1 & 2 Initiations

CAHOKIA 1:  I was literally floating in a wave of joy, pink energy pouring out of my Heart Chakra  When I tried to hold it in my hands, my hands were overflowing.  Above my Crown Chakra it felt like a lid was opened.

CAHOKIA 2:  A lump just went out of my throat.  There was a huge blue / violet pillar of Light around me, over my head and below my feet.  I was unable to see if and where the pillar of light ended and began. Masters moved in and out of the pillar of light.  They touched my back Chakras on my spine.