Before God’s Angels & Power Animals heal, they clear blockages, darkness and negativity. Yes, animals have souls. Like humans, some souls are more advanced than other souls.
For hundreds & even thousands of years, each Animal species evolved unique survival attributes. What happens on the physical realm is reflected in the spiritual realm. Hundreds & thousands of focused, concentrated effort in the physical realm becomes a powerful tool in the spiritual realms.Sometimes, the soul of a pet will return to help the former owner.
Below are a few clearings that have worked well for people. It is a good idea that when you feel negativity leaving, take a deep breath and blow it down to the central fire of Earth or to the Violet Flame for transformation.
To Remove 3 black demonic aging disks in the Physical Body
Circle of Protection and Purification
Dispelling Those Who Wish Harm
Sending Lost Souls to the Light
How to Release Manmade Attunements
Effectively dispelling black magic
This is only for those healers who have clients, who are disturbed by black magic or demons
Seamless Golden Bubble of Heavenly Protection
Whenever you read the pronoun “I”, “me”, “myself” or “my”, please make these clearings personal for yourself.
Personal – to call back ones own essence:
From the lord god of my being to the Lord God of the Universe! Divine God/Divine Goddess, I call back all of the energy, essence, power, gifts talents, abilities, Gifts of the Spirit, personality, charm, youth, health beauty, glow, strength, flexibility, inspiration, wisdom, knowledge, active intelligence, joy and love that I have squandered or that has been taken from me in this or any other lifetime. So be it and so it is. (take a big deep breath)
Seal these clearings in gold and anchor them in ruby red. May Thine Will be done.
Divine God, Divine Goddess, Shekenah, God The Father Almighty, Christed Beings, Buddhas, Angels, Elementals, Blessed Ones, Ancients Ones, Star People, Power Animals, Saints, Shaman and Spirits of the Land who have come in the light of Christ and the love of Buddha, I implore you, I beseech you,
So as F released the last vestiges of Tera Mai from herself and T in the form of tiny, hardened Buddhas that had been cast aside and trodden asunder, so too, release the last vestiges of Tera Mai in the form of tiny, hardened Buddhas that had been cast aside and trodden asunder from anyone at anytime, any place, anywhere, be they in or out of body, alien or human, demon or entity, fallen angel or any other being; be they on, in, above, below, within or without Mother Earth, sending energy to Mother Earth or taking energy from Mother Earth, who have turned their back on Tera Mai to pursue black magic, evil, manmade attunements or harm.
Please cleanse these tiny, hardened Buddhas that had been cast aside and trodden asunder in Violet Flames of Transformation and HOSANNAs. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna! Divine God/ Divine Goddess, please take all that has been released to the Light for further transformation, transmutation, clearing, cleansing, purification, balancing and blessing. Please return to Source that which You deem appropriate to be returned to Source to be cleared and begun anew.
Cleanse, transform, transmute, purify, heal, balance and bless these Buddhas. Please return the cleansed, purified, healed, blessed, balanced, just, compassionate, loving Buddhas to Mother Earth as a special blessing for Mother Earth now.
If this is Thine Will Divine God / Divine Goddess, so must it be done. So be it and so it is.
Seal these clearings in gold and anchor them in ruby red. May Thine Will be done.
Divine God, Divine Goddess, Shekenah, God The Father Almighty, Christed Beings, Buddhas, Angels, Elementals, Blessed Ones, Ancients Ones, Star People, Power Animals, Saints, Shaman and Spirits of the Land who have come in the light of Christ and the love of Buddha, I implore you, I beseech you,
So as you removed J‘s vampire-like tentacles free from C and others, so too, remove the vampire-like tentacles of anyone at anytime, any place, anywhere, be they in or out of body, alien or human, demon or entity, fallen angel or any other being; be they on, in, above, below, within or without Mother Earth, sending energy to Mother Earth or taking energy from Mother Earth. Contain these vampire-like tentacles at the sources.
Please cleanse and purify this vampire-like energy in Violet Flames of transformation and HOSANNAS – Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna! Divine God/ Divine Goddess, please take all that has been released to the Light for further transformation, transmutation, clearing, cleansing, purification, balancing and blessing. Please return to Source that which You deem appropriate to be returned to Source to be cleared and begun anew.
Please fill in the voids with The Golden Age of the Return of the Angels so that the Celestial Angels, Celestial Archangels and Higher Beings might return to Mother Earth. May the door to Tera Mai and the door to the elemental forces be closed to all such individuals and beings under these circumstances. Please fill in all of the wounds with appropriate healing energies. Please send symbols of RELEASE to all concerned so that the core issues of why this was allowed or perpetrated might be brought to the surface to be examined, released, transformed and healed. Please set up circumstances whereby those who are contained might find their own path back to the Light, if that is their will.
If this is Thine Will Divine God / Divine Goddess, so must it be done. So be it and so it is.
Seal these clearings in gold and anchor them in ruby red. May Thine Will be done.
Divine God, Divine Goddess, Shekenah, God The Father Almighty, Christed Beings, Buddhas, Angels, Elementals, Blessed Ones, Ancients Ones, Star People, Power Animals, Saints, Shaman and Spirits of the Land who have come in the light of Christ and the love of Buddha, I implore you, I beseech you,
So as you removed the vampire-like tentacles free from Mother Earth, so too, remove any and all other vampire-like tentacles from, Mother Earth, other planets or heavenly bodies in this solar system, other solar systems, other galaxies and other universes. Contain these vampire-like tentacles at the sources.
Please cleanse and purify this vampire-like energy in Violet Flames of transformation and HOSANNAS – Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna! Divine God/ Divine Goddess, please take all that has been released to the Light for further transformation, transmutation, clearing, cleansing, purification, balancing and blessing. Please return to Source that which You deem appropriate to be returned to Source to begin again.
Please fill in Your Creations with the Golden Age of the Return of the Angels and blessed balance. May the door to Tera Mai and the door to the elemental forces be closed to all such individuals and beings under these circumstances. Please fill in all of the wounds with appropriate healing energies. Please send symbols of RELEASE to all concerned so that the core issues of why this was allowed or perpetrated might be brought to the surface to be examined, released, transformed and healed. Please set up circumstances whereby those who are contained might find their own path back to the Light, if that is their will.
If this is Thine Will Divine God / Divine Goddess, so must it be done. So be it and so it is.
Seal these clearings in gold and anchor them in ruby red. May Thine Will be done.
For the animals and oneself: One aspect of magic is to link something that has occurred to something that we want to manifest. As Christie, Duchess, Mel and Buckley have and are still releasing harmful parasites, etc., we may compare their efforts to those whom we wish to help.
Divine God, Divine Goddess, Shekenah, God The Father Almighty, Christed Beings, Buddhas, Angels, Elementals, Blessed Ones, Ancients Ones, Star People, Power Animals, Saints, Shaman and Spirits of the Land who have come in the light of Christ and the love of Buddha, I implore you, I beseech you,
Please repel, reject and eliminate any and all harm, insects, parasites, diseases, worms, pestilence and vermin that are on, in, above, below, within and without Christie, Duchess, Mel and Buckley. So as you repelled, rejected and eliminated any and all insects, parasites, diseases, worms, pestilence and vermin that were on, in, above, below, within and without Christie, Duchess, Mel and Buckley, so too, repel, reject and eliminate any and all insects, parasites, diseases, worms, pestilence and vermin that are on, in, above, below, within and without other horses, other of God’s creatures and myself (you may also add the names of pets or loved ones who are ill).
Please cleanse and purify all that has been released in Violet Flames of transformation and HOSANNAS – Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna! Divine God/ Divine Goddess, please take all that has been released to the Light for further transformation, transmutation, clearing, cleansing, purification, balancing and blessing. Please return to Source that which You deem appropriate to be returned to Source to begin again.
Please fill in the voids with blessed balance and homeostasis for Mother Earth, all of her ecosystems, kingdoms and for all of her children who are going into the Golden Age of the Return of the Angels.
If this is Thine Will Divine God / Divine Goddess, so must it be done. So be it and so it is.
Seal these clearings in gold and anchor them in ruby red.
Mother Spider, Divine God, Divine Goddess, Shekenah, God The Father Almighty, Christed Beings, Buddhas, Angels, Elementals, Blessed Ones, Ancients Ones, Star People, Power Animals and Spirits of the Land who have come in the light of Christ and the love of Buddha, I implore you, I beseech you! Weave a path, a way for those who have turned their backs on compassion and consciousness that they might return to love, Light and Truth if that is their will. If this is Thine Will, Divine God/Divine Goddess, so must if be done.
Weave another path, a way off this planet for anyone at any time any place anywhere, be they in or out of body, alien or human, demon or entity, fallen angel or any other being who has turned their backs on compassion and consciousness, and refuses to return to Love, Light and Truth. Let this path lead to another planet, another destination off of Earth or back to Source to begin again. Divine God/Divine Goddess, You decide who is going, where they are going, when they are going and how they are going. If possible, please take them now dear God, please take them now dear Goddess.
Divine God, Divine Goddess, please love them as much as they will allow you to love them. Please help them as much as they will allow you to help them.
Please transform their wake in Violet Flames of Transformation. Transform evil into good. Transform great evil into great good. Transform the Dark Age into The Golden Age of the Return of the Angels.
If this is Thine Will, so must it be done! So be it and so it is!
Seal these clearings in gold and anchor them in ruby red. May Thine Will be done.
Great jaws of Shark, Divine God, Divine Goddess, Shekenah, God The Father Almighty, Christed Beings, Buddhas, Angels, Elementals, Blessed Ones, Ancients Ones, Star People, Power Animals and Spirits of the Land who have come in the light of Christ and the love of Buddha, I implore you, I beseech you! Cut through garbage, fear, sorrow, anger, thrush, mold mildew, harmful bacterial, cancers, diseases, fungus, yeasts, poisons, manmade-attunements, viruses, secondary infections. Sever, ingest, transform, transmute! Sever, ingest, transform, transmute! Sever, ingest, transform, transmute!
Fill in the voids with cleansing, detoxification, purification, healing, balancing and homeostasis.
If this is Thine Will, so must it be done! So be it and so it is!
Great jaws of Alligator and Crocodile, Divine God, Divine Goddess, Shekenah, God The Father Almighty, Christed Beings, Buddhas, Angels, Elementals, Blessed Ones, Ancients Ones, Star People, Power Animals and Spirits of the Land who have come in the light of Christ and the love of Buddha, I implore you, I beseech you! Cut through cords, chains, ties that bind, black magic, evil, demons, squares, cubes, knots, blocks, plugs, blockages, poisonous spells, toxic thoughts, harmful implants, manmade attunements, black astral bodies, the glamour of evil,. Severe, spin, transform, transmute! Severe, spin, transform, transmute! Severe, spin, transform, transmute!
Please transform all that has been released in Violet Flames of Transformation. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna! God help us please! Take to the central fire that which you deem appropriate to be transmuted by flame. Take to the Light that which you deem appropriate to be transformed by Light. Return to the original sources that which you deem appropriate to be returned that karmic lessons might be learned. Transform evil into good. Transform great evil into great good. Please fill in the voids with love, mercy, justice, compassion, enlightenment, cleansing, detoxification, transformation and truth.
If this is Thine Will, so must it be done! So be it and so it is!
Seal these clearings in gold and anchor them in ruby red. May Thine Will be done.
I call upon the energies of the Earth Mother, Divine God, Divine Goddess, Shekenah, God The Father Almighty, Christed Beings, Buddhas, Angels, Elementals, Blessed Ones, Ancients Ones, Star People, Power Animals and Spirits of the Land who have come in the light of Christ and the love of Buddha, I implore you, I beseech you! I call upon all of the standing stones, megaliths, stone circles, mountains and man-made structures that have been cleansed with Violet Flames of Transformation and that have been reprogrammed by the Celestial Angels to take the darkness from this planet, and removed to The Light for transformation, purification, cleansing, detoxification, healing and balancing. Divine God / Divine Goddess please return to Source that which you deem appropriate to be returned to Source to be cleared and begun again.
Please transform evil into good. Transform great evil into great good. Transform the Dark Age into The Golden Age of the Return of the Angels. Please fill in the voids with love, justice, compassion, integrity, honesty, clearing, healing and blessed balance.
If this is Thine Will, so must it be done! So be it and so it is!
Seal these clearings in gold and anchor them in ruby red. May Thine Will be done.
After doing incredible clearings and healings all week, we went to Stratford on Avon and did clearings and healings in the most haunted house in all of England.
During the Roman Catholic Church’s not-so-holy Inquisition, women were tied into a ‘witch’s chair’ and then dunked in water. If the woman did not drown, it was proof that she was a witch. (No judgements, but how could they justify continuing drowning women?) The authentic witch’s chair was one of many haunted items, drawing even more darkness to the building.
In the beginning, I would stop when other groups went through a particular room we were in. As The Light and the momentum of the healing grew, we just kept on with the clearings. Anita O’Hagan kept getting messages from earthbound souls saying, ‘Thank you!’
The last room contained some of Alister Crowley’s belongings and Alister Crowley’s earthbound soul. When he was alive, Alister Crowley believed that he could work with both the forces of Light and that of darkness. (The Bible states clearly that The Lord will spit out those who think they can ride the fence in this manner.) When Alister died, the forces of darkness held him. The Angels worked very hard to free Alister from the room. In the end, he went to The Light and said, ‘Thank you!’ to Anita.
This picture was taken at the end of the exhibits – 2+ hours after we started. We were all a bit worn.
It is most important to focus on The Light and The Love that is inundating Earth at this time.