Below are 2 symbols, which are powerful when used for clearing and healing planet Earth. Use them with or without the Cho Ku Rays.
Notable results come when these symbols are used in a group setting. So before you begin to pray or send healing, you may call upon God’s Angels, “I call upon the Angels of The Divine God. Please connect me to the Wednesday Night Clearing Wave and the Tera Mai™ healers who are doing the clearings.”
Contact your legislatures and heads of government. Ask that new technologies and alternative energy sources be funded, developed and used.
– “I just finished joining the Wednesday night clearing. I used the clearing rhyme and the symbol double Se He Ki to try to establish a sense of urgency about climate change for humanity. I saw the Angels remove a large amount of radioactive waste from the Earth with an Angelic bucket. Afterwards, the Earth looked more ‘positively charged and the sea turned a Mediterranean green colour.” 16th of June / Nadia Kamel, England
Clear the skies, clear the seas, send this cleansing out through me. Heal the skies, heal the seas, send this healing out through me.
(from Marla Abraham, Long Island, New York, USA)
Symbol is safe to use for Earth clearing & healing only
(from Catherine Mills Bellamont, Ireland)
Symbol is safe to use for Earth clearing & healing only
Drawn in 2 continuous lines