Some of the Tera Mai™ Symbols below were given to me by my students/friends beginning in 1991 for the purpose of being included in my video (now a DVD) Symbols in Healing (copyright 1993), and my book, Reiki & Other Rays of Touch Healing, (Copyright © TX 7-065-738).
HARTH, ZONAR and HALU were given to me in a series of consciousness-raising experiences. I have cleared up misinformation about these symbols, Tera Mai™ and myself on the pages of this website.
These and other symbols are included in my books for people to use in healing. I have done my best to give proper credit where it is due, and it is always appreciated when the courtesy is returned. More information on healing may be found on this site and in my books. (Available on Amazon)
DOUBLE SAY HEY KEY is a powerful healing tool. It is also used in the second initiations in Golden Tera Mai™ Reiki and Tera Mai™ Seichem.
WHY UNIVERSAL INITIATIONS SHOULD NOT BE CHANGED: Before he was killed, Alex Martin Turati, a Brazilian mystic, gave me this symbol. He found it in Takata’s original Reiki manual, which she used in Hawaii.
Before Takata came to the mainland of the United States, she cut Say Hey Key in half. Consequently, more than half the healing energy was cut out of the Reiki initiations. Reiki has been bleeding ever since.
People who are cleared and re-attuned to Tera Mai’s second initiation find they are channeling an abundance of healing energy. The healings they facilitate are amazing and even miraculous.
Gautama Buddha told me that Takata had a consciousness-raising experience with him in Hawaii. When Takata changed the Reiki initiations Buddha had given her, Reiki’s lineage back to Jesus, Buddha and the High Priest Melchizedek cracked & then broke completely.
In January 1991, I had a consciousness-raising experience Buddha in Los Angeles.
This is the Hebrew letter, Yod, which means God. It is not a symbol of initiation! HOWEVER, if someone is properly attuned to Yod, that individual is able to connect to this symbol in a very meaningful way. The colors that come in with this connection are silver & purple
ZONAR works well with past life and karmic issues. I suggest that after drawing a symbol and vocalizing their intention that my students simply close their eyes and watch the symbols to see what happens.
Another possibility is to give symbols to the Celestial Angels after they have been drawn, and then ask the Angels to take them to an individual, situation or destination. Then watch and see what occurs.
HARTH was given to me by the Golden Buddha in 1991.
HARTH first appeared in my teaching materials and my first book, Reiki & Other Rays of Touch Healing.
HARTH helps heal the heart and emotional issues.
In Golden Tera-Mai Reiki the GOLDEN HARTH connects to The Goddess. tera_mai_reiki_classes
HALUis ZONAR brought up or amplified in power by closing the “Z”, and with the addition of the tall pyramid on the top, which is symbolic of high mental energy.
Dunce caps that were put on “slow learners” actually helped them. It was the connotation, “dunce” or “stupid”, which negated the positive effects of the tall cone.
JOHRE means White Light. It is drawn from top to bottom. It comes from Iris Ishikuro, who was one of the 22 Reiki Masters who were initiated by Takata (Alliance Reiki was the only system of Reiki taught by Takata). Like Release, Johre also works well to release blockages. When used together with Christ Light and Maria, it creates an etheric void or spiral that draws out negativity.
MARAwas originally given to me as Rama by another one of my students, Kellie Ray Marine, while she was taking my Reiki Mastership class.
Buddha changed the name to Mara because he said that Mara connects powerfully to the Earth, and that Mara should be part of an initiation at the soles of the feet in the second degree initiation.
HOSANNA (the one on the left) was given to me by Eileen Gurhy shortly after I arrived in New York City in 1992.
Hosanna means, “God, help!”
It is used for clearing anything or anyone. After drawing the symbols and closing your eyes, you might ask the angels to fill the symbol with Violet Flames of Transformation.
Invocations work! Calling upon Saint Michael and the Angels of the Violet Fire has proved to be quite powerful when working with Hosannas.
The second Hosanna was given to my by Sean Grealey. The Hosannas may be drawn on either side of CHO KU RAYs.
IAVA came to Catherine Mills Bellamont shortly after taking my Reiki Mastership class in Ireland. Angels told her that Iava is to be used for Earth healing only.
Iava is drawn in 2 continuous lines. The first line inscribes the cosmic wave. While drawing the loops of the second line say, “Earth, water, wind and fire!”
AKASHAwas given to Marla Abraham after she took my Reiki Mastership class. This symbol was originally called Planetary Healing & Enlightenment.
Akasha means Ether. In July 2015, Buddha added the 5th element, Ether, to Tera-Mai Akasha Seichem . Ether binds the elements of earth, air, fire & water, and elevates the healing abilities of Tera-Mai Seichem.
SHANTI (Peace) was given to me by one of my students, Pat Courtney, after she took my Reiki Mastership class.
Shanti helps to heal the past so that we might focus and live harmoniously in the present. When we are present in the here and now, we release the future to be what it will be. That is how Shanti might help in individual healings
Double CHO KU RAYs that get smaller were included in the Reiki materials Margarette Shelton gave me. Before I started teaching Reiki in 1990, I dug out Margarette’s handouts and practiced.
Cho Ku Rays are energizers only and have no specific meaning. Think of the circling, spinning Sufis or the Shamanic technique of spiraling arms in and out over an accident victim. (Ama Deus is included in Tera, My Journey Home and Becoming a Shaman.)
Tera Mai is the only alternative Reiki lineage, which includes Margarette Shelton. The original Reiki Alliance initiations that Takata handed down only included the counterclockwise Cho Ku Ray that got smaller.
CHO KU RAYs that get bigger were included by Buddha for use in Tera Mai Seichem. It seems to work better to draw the ones that get smaller first and then the ones that get bigger.
RELEASE was given to me as a way of getting to the core or plug behind repeated negative patterns so that they might be rooted out, brought to the surface, examined, released, transformed and healed. It is on the cover of Becoming a Shaman.
RAKU is drawn down the spine to seal in and protect Tera Mai™ initiations. Afterwards, initiates are able to use the symbol before or after a healing session, if they wish to do so.
JUSTICE & COMPASSION was given to me in New York City at the site of 9/11, where because of fear many souls were trapped between the worlds. Sending healing to disincarnate soiuls is possible because the energy of Tera Mai comes from the Universal Source or God, Who is present in all dimensions.
Those 9/11 souls who asked for justice were not ready to go on to the Light. So, the Angels gave me this symbol to help them learn compassion as they sought justice.
CHRIST LIGHT & MARY or MARIA work well together.
The vocal point of Christ Light is the 2 “V’s” coming together. (The small lines are not an “X”.) It helps to connect to the energy of Christ Consciousness. Mary or Maria connects to the goddess-like energy of the Earth. Used together they create a high vibration and bring Light to the physical or to situations.
KADOISH & SAMARAN are water crystals, which were given to me by Buddha. Kadoish works to heal and open the full potential of the feminine. Samaran works to heal and open the full potential of the masculine.
Together they help to restore balance. Buddha lived first in extreme opulence and then acute poverty. One day, he understood that balancing physical needs with spiritual growth was like walking a dynamic middle road.
TRIKAYA & ABBA NARTOOMID:Used alone Trikaya is a symbols for the astral body, which resembles our physical and is only a part of our soul. It is connected to the physical body by a silver cord. When we are asleep, our astral body is free to wander. At the time of our death, the astral body leaves the physical, taking the conscious mind and experiences along with it. Our astral body reflects the quality of our thoughts, emotions and deeds.
Combine Trikaya with Harth to heal the emotional body. Combine Trikaya with Halu or Say Hay Key to heal the mental body. Combine Trikaya with Mara to heal the physical body.
Abba Nartoomid is an energizer, like Ch Ku Rays. However, Abba Nartoomid may be filled with astral qualities, which you wish to make physical.
These symbols were also given to me by Buddha.
DEISIOM given to Franky, a remarkable psychic, by the Golden Buddha in April 2008, the day after I facilitated a group healing session at Zewenkerken in Bruges, Belgium. The sole purpose of this golden symbol is to meditate upon it to raise the healing potential of Tera Mai initiations, and bring in galactic/cosmic healing energiesl. To open the symbol draw the golden spiral counterclockwise, beginning from the center. Draw the golden triangle counterclockwise beginning with the lower left point. Visualize Deisiom entering the crown, moving down the central channel and grounding into the Earth
DEIIS (meaning God, or This Is From God, From God This Is): Meditate, call upon the energies of Tera Mai, Father-Mother-God, Buddha, Ascended Masters, Celestial Angels, and other higher beings. Draw the symbol visualizing the color gold. Say “DEIIS” 3 times each time one of the lines is drawn. Draw the vertical axis from top to bottom, and the horizontal line from right to left. Draw the upper curve counterclockwise from left to right, and the lower curve counterclockwise from right to left.
DEISIOM is grounding and has elements of elemental earth healing energy (Tera Mai Reiki). DEIIS and CHRIST open the heart and emotions, and invoke elemental water healing energy (Tera Mai Sophi-El, which is one of four different aspects of Tera Mai Seichem).
After drawing the symbol CHRIST below, ask God and the Angels to bring the Deiis and Christ into your heart to heal any and all traumas, and heartache. Say to God, “Please heal me, heal through me. Love me, love through me. Teach me to love as you love.”
CHRIST Draw this symbol in gold after you have drawn DEISS. Say “CHRIST” each time one of the lines is drawn. Draw the vertical axis from top to bottom and make the spiral at the bottom in such a way that you will end up with an equal-armed cross. Draw the horizontal line from right to left.
To activate both symbols say “DEIIS CHRIST” 3 times. Feel the energy and don’t try to figure it out. Let your mind be silent. Feel the energy in the lower chakras and kidneys, then in the head and 3rd eye, and then the heart opens. Feel love, joy and gratitude.
LIGHT OF MICHAEL “The burning sword is pierced by Archangel Michael into Mother Earth. As soon as the sword pierces the ground, it begins to transmit and radiate pure white light, which transforms, transmutes our planet.” FrankyEach time one of the golden lines is drawn say, “LIGHT OF MICHAEL”. Draw the horizontal axis from top to bottom, and then the horizontal line from right to left. Draw the curve from right to left. Draw the circle counterclockwise to open the channel.
Give the symbol, Light of Michael, to God and His Angels. Ask that Michael’s Sword be placed in the Earth in such a way that the tip of the sword touches the center of the core. Ask, “Let fire be drawn into the sword to balance the core.”
Then ask that LIGHT OF MICHAEL come into your crown, through your central channel, major chakras, all of your channels and all of your chakras. Ask that the fire burn away any impurities and transform you.
EYE OF GOD This is the 5th golden symbol that was channeled by Franky for the sole purpose of elevating the healing energies of Tera Mai. Draw the symbol visualizing the color gold. Say “EYE OF GOD” 3 times each time one of the lines is drawn. Draw the upper curve counter-clockwise from right to left and then draw the lower curve counter-clockwise from left to right. Draw the triangle counter-clockwise to open the energy channel.
Give the symbol to God and His Angels. Ask, “Please place this symbol into my heart and down through my lower chakras.” Then ask, “Please bring this symbol into my crown, third eye, throat and heart.” Ask, “God, please help me to see as you see. Bring my heart, head and higher self into alignment.”
Properly attuned Tera Mai initiates who are abiding by all of Buddha’s Tera Mai standards may also use the contractions and breathing. The color sequence white, silver and gold works well. Calling upon Higher Energies and giving the symbols to God, angels, etc. and then asking that they be brought to wherever or whomever you wish to send them is always a good idea.
ONENESS We will always be individuals, and we have mastered that. We hear about the concept of Oneness (that we are all connected by The Spirit of God), and those who have had a near-death experience talk about the Light they travel up in as loving and wonderfully familiar. But we do not normally experience Oneness. It is what is missing on Earth. When we are both individuals and connected to Oneness, we become powerful, loving beings.
Franky of Belgium
CUP OF POISON “And Poison Will Not Harm You” is a quote from Jesus, which is still in the New Testament. It is in reference to the time we are now living in. This symbol may be used by anyone. Meditating upon Cup of Poison brings up issues surrounding poisoning, and offers protection from toxicity. channeled by Dr. Mehra Manupriya of India
BLUE STAR When faced with negativity, ask the Celestial Angels for help and call upon Blue Star. Simply watch in meditation and see what happens.
channeled by Dr. Mehra Manupriya of India
KEY OF SELF EMPOWERMENT For issues regarding self: What path do I take? How do I handle this particular situation or individual? What is the meaning of what is before me? ect.
channeled by Dr. Mehra Manupriya of India
TO RELEASE CANCER Ramona and I were guided by the Angels to spend the entire March 20, Wednesday Night 8:00 PM Clearing energizing this symbol. Actually, we worked until 9:30. Wednesday Night Clearings
When you use this symbol on an individual who is ill, you will find that your hands feel like they are filled with a million points of Light. Initially, the energy comes up through the healee’s feet, and at times, it may feel cold. This symbol may also be used to release other diseases. The colors are yellow and blue. I have found since that I energize the symbols 3 different times and after each time, I watch with my mind’s eye to see what is happening. When the illness is released, the Angels will fill in the voids with gold. Channeled by Margaret Oakden, England
The following 5 symbols are specifically for Tera Mai. They work with Pure Energy From Source and may be drawn in sequence while visualizing yourself, the energy , and 3-dimensional forms that the symbols represent. The symbols and the meditation are for personal use. The symbol ELECTRUM may also be drawn and called upon to empower other clearing or healing work. These symbols are very much protected by God and His Angels.
I. ELECTRUM calls upon the Pure Energy of Source. Draw the symbol and say the following: 1) Above 2) Below 3) Electrum and 4) Eternity. Hold you arms above your head and extended out to the sides, forming a “V”. You will feel the Energy from Source come to you. Hanni Blomberg, Sweden
II. SOURCE brings a ball of energy into your hands. 1) Represents your hands together at the wrists, palms facing upwards. 2) Represents your lower arms together. 3 and 4) Draws the pure energy ball from Source. Say “Source” each time you draw a line. You will feel the sphere; place it above your head. Hanni Blomberg, Sweden
III. SOURCE brings the pure energy ball from Source into the physical form. 1) Represents the hands and arms. 2) Represents pure energy ball from Source. 3 and 4) Represents the manifestation into the physical. Watch as the energy ball comes into you. Say “Source” each time you draw a line. You will feel the sphere coming into you. Franky from Belgium
* It protects the Soul Star Chakra (about 12 inches above head).
* Symbol & White Light comes into the top of the head, through the body and out the feet.
* When the symbol goes into Mother Earth, it is magnified.
* The symbol and magnified energies come back up through the body, opening the heart. It brings beneficial energies.
* This symbol may only be used for good.
* Diamond of The Goddess may also be used in combination with the other 4 symbols in this series and EYE of GOD as the final symbol to ask that God’s Will be done.
This symbol was given to me by Franky from Belgium.
V. LIGHT OF THE ANGELS Say, “Light of the Angels” with each stroke you draw. 1) Draw the triangle pointing upwards counterclockwise beginning in the lower left-hand corner. It is gold in color. 2) Draw the triangle pointing downwards clockwise beginning in the upper left-hand corner. It is silver in color. 3) Begin with the inner circle and draw it clockwise. Middle circle is drawn counterclockwise. Outer circle is drawn clockwise. See and feel yourself in your minds eye and the angels working in your aura. Franky from Belgium
AS ABOVE SO BELOW is a powerful symbol for manifestation and grounding in accordance with the Golden Age of the Return of the Angels. It was channeled to Melanie of England by the red Angel Amariel. 1) Beginning at the top of the circle, draw the circle counterclockwise. 2) Draw the vertical line from top to bottom. 3) Beginning at the top of the circle, draw the circle clockwise. 4) Draw the horizontal line from left to right. 5) Draw the “V” at the top. 6) Draw the “V” at the bottom.
COURAGE is a variation of ST. MICHAEL’S SWORD, which was channeled to Tamisha Sabria of England. It will help people to get through great, fast-approaching changes, as Earth moves out of the Dark Age into the Golden Age of the Return of the Angels. 1) Draw the vertical line from top to bottom. 2) Draw the horizontal line from left to right. 3) Draw the curved line in one continuous motion beginning at the left side.
VIOLET FLAME Is healing through transformation. While anyone may use this symbol and the energy of the Violet Fire, after receiving the Tera Mai Violet Flame attunement, initiates discover that they are able to do more. This initiation is given by Tera Mai Seichem initiates who have been attuned to it. I include it in my Tera Mai Reiki Mastership class and first Shamanic class that I teach. Anyone may receive this initiation.
FIRE DRAGON is a Yoga symbol. It should always be drawn from the top down. When only FIRE DRAGON is drawn down the spine 3 times, and only MARA (5th symbol on this page) is drawn on the bottom of each foot 3 times, an incredible clearing occurs.
Dragons have NEVER existed on the physical Earth plane. However, Dragons and other mythical creatures are very much a part of the Spiritual worlds. Dragons are special in that they derive from The Holy Spirit and are one of our connections to The Creator.
Dragons are especially effective in Shamanic Journeywork It is always important to add, ‘with harm to none,’ when asking Dragons for help. Dragons are not able to do everything, but Dragons are incredibly fast and effect on things that they are able to do. If Dragons are asked to do harm, not only will they NOT comply, but the darkness that is asked of them will be returned by the power of 3 to the requester.
FIRE DRAGON and MARA may be sent to your Dragons to clear them and make them stronger. Earth also has Dragons, which may be cleared and empowered by these same 2 symbols.
When you draw FIRE DRAGON and give it to the Angels, they will take the symbol into the Earth’s North Pole, and through the core to Earth’s South Pole. When you draw MARA twice and give the symbols to the Angels, they will place the two symbols on opposite sides of the Equator.
To read more about FIRE DRAGON and the Light Pyramid (which also comes from The Holy Spirit) go to my blog and scroll down to these topics: New Healing Techniques – God Designed Our Bodies to Regenerate
Who is God?
SATI was given to me by Lawson Bracewall of Punskaiki, New Zealand. The symbol appeared in one of the first Tera Mai Reiki Two manuals.
Equal arm cross – equal quality of Spirit – God/Goddess/Holy Spirit. Expression of all seven directions – North, South, East West, above, below and within.
Two interpenetrating circles of the masculine-feminine – dynamic relationship of the two. Out of this equality the soul will be greater in the Aquarian Age, which is why some people call this the AQUARIAN CROSS