Healing of congenital heart problem: This spring, Maria Kopsidas worked on Rahman Parker, who had congenital heart disease. In and out of hospitals almost his whole childhood; more recently, he had been advised by his doctors to prepare for a future heart transplant because of the hardening of the aortic valve. (Aortic valve separates the aorta from the left ventricle, which prevents blood from flowing back into the left heart ventricle.) After the treatment, that evening, he played volleyball.
On Friday, June 14, 2013, both Maria Kopsidas(Washington DC) and I worked on Rahman again. Here is what Rahman Parker had to say:
“What an amazing experience. Kathleen and Maria have a beautiful way of introducing you, as the participant, to the healing experience.
They they placed their anointed hands on my heart and began to see through me. Their perceptions of my situation helped direct what spirits to heal me and which spirits to remove.
I was going through a holding pattern and experiencing pain in my chest. They have healed me of all those feelings and I am ready to thank them 1000 times and return for another powerful healing experience. The hands of Kathleen and Maria are powerful and truly anointed. To God BE the GLORY ! ! ! ” Rahman A. Parker
On Wednesday, July 3, 2013, Rahman went into the hospital for a procedure. Finding nothing wrong, the doctors did nothing. Rahaman is now able to breathe easily, sleep through the entire night and he is pain free.
Maria Kopsidas was twice initiated into TM Cahokia I & II. Kitty Hekelaar and Eileen Heneghan(below)were twice re-initiated into TM Cahokia I & II. Astounding clearings and healings are happening through the accelerated healing of TM Cahokia.
While the vast majority of ‘Angelic upgrades’ to Tera Mai initiations have been automatic for those who have been initiated, the new, dramatic increases in healing potentials of Cahokia require re-initiations.
I do all re-initiations on a donations-are-accepted basis, in person or over the telephone.
For those who have Tera Mai Sakara II & III and find the healings and self-healings that Maria, Eileen and Kitty are able to facilitate, but would like to pay in installments, please contact me. https://kathleenmilner.com/?page_id=87
My father-in-law’s skin cancer was completely healed after 7 weeks of treatment. He had it on his ear and right hand. Both areas turned snow white and then just fell off. Gone completely. He is delighted. Didn’t use symbols.
Brian Lawler, Ireland
Kathleen, I have noticed a significant increase in new clients and students lately . . . The healings are
incredible. For example, a lady came to me after seeing doctor after doctor without noticeable results. She was in a lot of pain
all of the time and there were other stress factors as well. She was always tired. After a healing session of an hour and a half, she was relieved to feel no more pain, and she felt lighter and happier. Just 90 minutes, and her whole life changed.
I am so grateful to be a part of Tera Mai and to be able to facilitate real healings. Love & Light,Kitty Hekelaar, Holland
Self-healing after being twice re-initiated into Tera Mai Cahokia: Dear Kathleen, I have felt so good ever since my fibromyalgia was healed through Tera Mai, but since I was twice re-initiated into Tera Mai Cahokia, I’ve noticed old physical ‘problems’ are being fixed. Like my ribcage that was injured when I was seventeen and never healed properly. Or my gallbladder that was slightly damaged from a big gallstone that has been in there for a long time, because I didn’t want an operation. The gallstone seems to get smaller – I don’t feel it anymore. My esophagus (had to look that up) was burned years ago during a bad case of the flu. I’ll spare you the details, but this problem is also being fixed. Sometimes, I feel hot energy going to these parts of my body when I’m meditating and sometimes, when I’m simply sitting down and watching TV, or checking my mail or whatever. Also, a lot of healing work is done while I am asleep.
It seems my lungs are now being healed as well. I was a smoker for 30 years.
I was never really afraid that I would get cancer myself even though my mother died of lung cancer in 2001. But in 2008, I was able to overcome this addiction. X-rays and HR-CT scan show that my lungs are clean, but not I feel as though I breathe a little easier day by day . . . big relief for me. Being able to breathe better gives me more energy too.
Love & Light, Kitty Hekelaar, Holland
Kathleen, I am most grateful. Since your email regarding the prayer, ‘Our Father,’I am saying it out loud with clients at the start of each healing. It has been very powerful each time.
The words, ‘forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us,’ are especially relevant. We are in a time of deep transformation. As the light body is further developed, we all have to let go, forgive the past and become the true people we are. Lack of forgiveness holds people back and builds up banks of fear, anger and resentment.
This time is a great opportunity to look at these patterns within ourselves, clear them and support others in doing the same
Thank you for all you are doing, Kathleen
I would like to be re-initiated into Cahokia 2.
In peace and light, Eileen Heneghan, Ireland
Eileen Heneghan refers to herself as a Tera Mai healer, not a Reiki master, and her calendar is booked with clients.
Eileen’s comment is in response to an email I sent out that repeated a message that God’s Angels gave to Ramona Kirk, ‘If the prayer the Our Father, is said before each healing and initiation, positive effects will be increased.’
Kathleen, I know from experience that the integration process after Universal initiations oftentimes brings up old issues and pains to be released: Since you initiated me twice into Cahokia 1, I have noticed that the clearings and hearings are swifter and happen more easily.
In the week that followed the initiation, an old ankle injury resurfaced. I did not understand how I had hurt my leg so badly again. Another T-M initiate said that new initiations can bring up deeper levels to be healed. Suffice to say that after a week, there was not a trace of the injury in my leg at all.
When I have linked up with you to facilate clearings I have noticed that these clearings are swifter. I have also managed to help my husband (today) and a friend by removing the ageing disks. I hope they will soon see a positive change in their health and lives.
This initiation is truly a gift from above.
In love and light
Karina Hall, England
Dear Kathleen,
After the healing you gave Loekie she feels much and much better. The obsession, continiously thinking over her traumas, came to an end. She did not forget her problems, but she has the feeling she can handle them better.
Headaches vanished and she took up normal life. I bought most of the herbs and essential oils you suggested and it appears they are a great help. We both thank you very much.
Loekie en Luc Verkoren
Every time when Ilisten to your audio cassettes its just if its like receiveing an attunement again. Especially pleased that in your meditations you always start with a serious grounding.
I have been telling this to people so often and why its necessary to ground. When I noticed in a healing session that a reikimaster was sitting there with legs crossed and making notes, I even told her up to 4 times that this healing is for the whole group and she was not paying attention to the grounding. I left her 7 days later, with her troubles and left her to ground herself. She had 7 days of crying and released all kinds of dirt.
Yesterday evening ihelped her to ground properly and let us hope she will remeber this the next time. Iam going to listen to the Journey to Sacred Mountain now, walking to my special place.
Jean Vanhove
Kathleen, You are always giving with a purpose. Now those tapes. When listening to those tapes I feel and see things coming in, some the same as the sakara initiation, but I also see other things, such as, the lessons I received from a Massai medicine man when when I was in Tanzania in 1970. I see herbs flowers and techniques used by elder people…..There is still so much to learn. I have been seeing you also in the middle of a class STANDING again stretching your hands out over a group of people covered in a golden rain.
To step back and watch God’s Angels work is another way to heal. Three days after I facilitated healing for Caroline Stiles in this way, Caroline went back to her doctor. He could not understand how her uterus suddenly became healthy.
Dear Kathleen,
During last Friday’s meeting of the Vereniging TM Reiki/Seichem, you required a ‘victim’ with a physical problem to demonstrate a Cahokia healing technique. I volunteered, since my General MD diagnosed me with a ‘substantial myoma of the uterus’ (an abnormal growth of muscle tissue inside the uterus), about ten days before the meeting. Although it is not malignant, it may cause problems like excessive bleeding and pain, as indeed it did with me. Since I’m not very fond of hospitals and operations, I grabbed the opportunity of an alternative treatment by you with both hands!
Today, Monday April 7th, I visited the gynaecologist at the hospital for furhter physical examination. This was advised by my general MD, who, by-the-way, is a very experienced and capable doctor. However, the gynaecologist found a very healthy, normal uterus. No myoma, no other abnormalities!
Although this may be standard practice to you, I would still like to share this information with you, and thank you for what you did on Friday. Keep up the good work (as indeed I will try to do in a smaller way, using ‘only’ Reiki and Seichem…..).
So once again thank you very much, and have a pleasant journey home!
Kind regards,
Caroline Stiles