Tera Mai™ Reiki IV, V, VI & VII and Tera Mai™ Seichem IV, V, VI & VII initiations are given at the Solar Plexus.
Inner knowing, clairsentience, ‘gut feelings’, spiritual chills as a sign of the truth spoken, feeling that something is about to happen or sensing the presence of a spirit, or being an empath are all degrees of otherworldly perceptions detected by the solar plexus.
When the Solar Plexus Chakra is empowered through the IV, V, VI & VII initiations, these abilities may awaken or develop further. Healing & psychic impressions are enhanced.
Edgar Cayce, the premier prophet of the 20th century, laid down and went into a deep trance. In this state he answered questions and gave healing advice. His phenomenally accurate readings and healing suggestions came from his Solar Plexus.
One day, one of Edgar Cayce’s friends interrupted such a session. He saw Cayce’s transparent astral body lying over Cayce’s physical body. The astral body was connected to the physical body by a silver cord through the Solar Plexus. Suddenly, Edgar Cayce stopped speaking and his astral body turned to look at the intruder. When the friend left the room and closed the door behind him, he heard Cayce continue on with the reading or healing.
If you were to think of Tera Mai™ in terms of building a house:
Tera-Mai Reiki IV, V, VI & VII are given together for a total price of $250
Pre-requisite is Tera Mai™ Reiki Mastership
Tera-Mai Seichem IV, V, VI & VII are given together for a total price of $300
Pre-requisite is Tera Mai™ Seichem Mastership, Tera Mai™ Reiki IV, V, VI & VII, and the Violet Flame initiation.
Because there are people who have changed these initiations, re-initiations are given on a donations-are-accepted basis for those who’ve received these initiations from a properly attuned Tera Mai Master.
To eliminate any pre-requisites for any Tera Mai™ initiation would be like a contractor building a beautiful staircase but eliminating steps in the middle.
– If you sense this image in your Solar Plexus, you might consider purchasing it.- $20 – 8 1/2 X 20 1/2