For years and years, I cleared the same ‘stuff’ off of Tera Mai and myself. Finally, I asked God if there was a more effective way to keep Tera Mai clear, as Buddha had instructed me to do.
Right away, I heard that it was OK to ask God to take the power away from those who repeatedly send harm to any part of all that is Tera Mai or to myself. I was also advised to bind them.
Whatever I ask for others, I must be willing at some point to accept for myself. So, I ask that they be bound so that they cannot harm themselves or others. So, if I were to ever harm others, I would be bound and prevented from doing so. I am OK with this.
Late in the summer of 2011, when I was doing the Wednesday Night 8:00 PM Clearing with Claire Campbell, the Angels suggested that I also ask that they be gagged to stop their dark chants. Several weeks later, I heard the Angels suggest that in addition, I ask that they be blindfolded to stop the evil eye.
I pray: ‘Divine God, Divine Goddess, I ask in the name of Jesus Christ, if it is Your Will, please continue to keep bound, gagged and blindfolded all whom Your Celestial Angels have bound, gagged and blindfolded. And please bind, gag and blindfold __________ and all others like him (or her).’
I pray 3 times: ’I bind, gag and blindfold thee so that you cannot harm yourself or others.’
While I am praying, I move my hands. I may or may not see the individual in question. I start at the top and come down each side to under the feet. Then I circle my left hand in counterclockwise spirals upwards, and my right hand in clockwise spirals upwards.
While I pray: ‘Anchor, lock and seal these bindings, gaggings and blindfoldings in ruby red, Heavenly Gold and God/Goddess’ Divine Will.’ I poke the bindings 3 times.
I pray 3 times: ‘Please wrap ____________ and all others like him (or her) in Egyptian burial mummy cloth.’ (Some part of my subconscious thinks that these particular wrappings look like Egyptian burial mummy cloth. So, that’s what I find myself saying. However, should I look back later, the wrappings have turned black.)
I move my hands in the manner described above while praying, ‘Anchor, lock and . . .
Then I pray and move my hands in the directions I am speaking: ‘Please wrap them in Pink Love from The Heart of The Goddess, above, below and all around.’ Then I poke the Pink, which for some may be their only hope of salvation.
Then I pray and move my hands: ‘Please wrap them in the symbol, The Heart of The Goddess, above, below and all around.’ Then I poke the symbol. (See Tera Mai Symbols )
Then I pray and move my hands in the directions of the cube as I speak: ‘Please place them in Golden Cubes, above below and all around, with a one-way door going in so that all Darma that is receivable and all Karma that is payable be due NOW!”
I pray 3 times and move my hands in the directions of the cube: ’I bind, gag and blindfold thee so that you cannot harm yourself or others.’
Then I pray: ‘Anchor, lock and seal these bindings, gaggings and blindfoldings in ruby red, Heavenly Gold and God/Goddess’ Divine Will.’ I poke the Golden Cube 3 times.
Then I pray: ‘Please multiply and intensify the strength and effectiveness of these bindings, gaggings and blindfoldings times infinity to the 21st trillionth power. And I place them all in your hands. By the power of 3 times 3 so must this be, now, always and forever in accordance with Your Will, God/Goddess.’