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This is only for those healers who have clients, who are disturbed by black magic or demons

During such clearings, it becomes evident that it is important to remove the black magician’s power and demons, if the clearings and healings are going to hold.  If these are not removed, those who work with the forces of darkness are like flies, and will continue to send evil.  

Sometimes, it is as easy as asking God’s Angels to take the demons involved to Behind the Doors, and to ask God to take away the black magician’s gifts and powers.  If the evil is strong, much more effort is required.  

In extreme cases, you may find yourself doing all of what I have described below.  There are additional clearings on this link for specific problems.  

Below is the information on how to dispel or disperse evil, which healers in England and Holland asked me to write down for them.  As the evil is with your client, you are NOT calling it in.  It is there in front of you.  If your client has participated in a demonic initiation, which involves the death of a human being, even more is required


  1. Call in Higher Energies, including Angels of Exorcism and Saint Michael.
  2. Ask the coyotes to interfere with black magicians’ tracking.
  3. Ask for golden light for protection & God’s Shield of Protection for yourself and those around you.  You might also invoke Ama Deus and protect yourself and everyone with the symbol for Protection.  Debora Kicken watched the Higher Beings create a Merkaba of Protection for you and all that is Tera Mai.  You may ask for this protection.  (You might also send symbols and energy to the Merkaba whenever you think of it, or once a day if you are able to do so.)
  4. If you do not know who the black magician is, or are unable to find him or her, ask the Angels to remove any black or demonic shields or protection; as well as any cloaking spells, masking spells and spells of invisibility.  (This also works if you feel that there is darkness about but you are unable to see it.)   Then ask the Tracking Angels and Hounds to track him or her down.
  5. Ask God in the name of Jesus to take away the black magician’s Gifts of the Spirit, Gifts of God, Gifts of Light, all Gifts that have been stolen, anyone’s energy that has been stolen, the energies of Tera Mai, the energies of the Earth, the energies of the elemental forces – earth, air, fire and water, and any black or demonic rites, rituals, powers, sources of power, entitlements.  Ask the Angels to take this to the Light for transformation or down to earth’s central fire for transformation.  (Once Gifts and energies that belong to somebody else have been cleared by Light or fire, they will automatically be returned to the original owner.)
  6. Ask the Angels of Exorcism and Saint Michael to take away the demons, witches, et cetera, that work with the black magician.
  7. Ask the Angels to bind the black magician.
  8. Ask the Angels to place a white vortex under the black magician.  In this way, when the black magician spews hatred, anger, et cetera, it will go down to Earth’s central fire for transformation.
  9. If you are clearing someone and the demon will not go, the individual may have to yell really loud, ‘Go away!  In the name of my lord, Jesus Christ, go away!  Or ask God, in the name of Your Son, my lord, Jesus Christ, I ask you to intervene and take this evil down to the central fire for transformation or to Behind the Doors.
  10. Clear the spells. 
  11. Fill in the voids with gold (purification, protection & healing), and cobalt blue (cleansing, clearing, protection & healing).
  12. Ask the Angels to surround the cleansing and clearings in gold and anchor them in ruby red and God / Goddess’ Divine Will.  And to please leave the cleansing and clearings open so that God / Goddess and all who have come in the Love of Buddha and the Light of Maria and Christ might continue to work on them and manifest them according to God / Goddess’ Divine Will.  Please multiply and intensify these cleansing and clearings times infinity to the 21st power and beyond.  Again, and again, and again and again.  Place these cleansings and clearings into the Earth to be manifested now, and to ride the Wednesday Night Clearing Wave from Wednesday to Wednesday to Wednesday to Wednesday.
  13. Thank you God / Goddess and all who have come in the Love of Buddha and the Light of Maria and Christ.  Thank you!  Thank you! Thank you!
  14. You may wish to go outside in the garden and place your hands on the earth or on a tree and ask to be cleared.  If there is any darkness, feel it going either down to the central fire for transformation, or food for the tree roots.

Further explanation of numbers 5, 6, 7 and  9 & 10:

5.  Begin with your palms facing downwards, at about the level of your knees.  Then lift them slowly to the Light as you say the following:

Divine God, I ask in the name of your son, my lord, Jesus Christ, please take away any and all Gifts of the Spirit, Gifts of God, Gifts of Light, all gifts that have been stolen, anyone’s energy that has been stolen, the energies of Tera Mai, the energies of the Earth, the energies of the elemental forces – earth, air, water and fire, and any and all black, demonic, VooDoo or HooDoo rites, rituals, powers, empowerments and sources of power completely and absolutely away from anyone, at any time, any place, anywhere, be they in or out of body, alien or human, demon or entity, fallen angel, witch, shadow people, mud slugs, feeders or any other form of malicious-acting being or evil-doer, who is responsible for this evil or who has worked with this evil.

Take these gifts, powers and energies to the Light for transformation.  (Push what is in your hands to the Light.)  Or throw it in Earth’s central fire for transformation.  (Take what is left in your hands and throw it down to the central fire.)

Ask that the voids be filled with gold and cobalt blue.  (These are the two colors that demonic beings do NOT like at all.)

6.  Divine God, I ask in the name of your son, my lord, Jesus Christ, please grab, crate, bag any and all demons, entities, fallen angels, witches, shadow people, mud slugs, feeders and any other forms of malicious-acting beings or evil-doers, who are responsible for or who have worked with the evil that has been cleared, is being cleared or will be cleared.  Wrap them in gold, and cobalt blue.  Bind them and take them down to the central fire for transformation or Behind the Doors.

(Behind the Doors is like a temporary prison.  Evil that  isn’t burned in the central fire or return to the black magician is sent to Behind the Doors.  There is a one-way door going in. 

When Behind the Doors is full, ask the Angels to remove anything that is of the Light, and to take it to the Light for transformation.  Ask the Angels to remove anything that is of the Earth, and to take it to the Central Fire for transformation.  Ask the Angels to place a large magnet outside of Behind the Doors to take out anything that can be used to get out.  Then send the magnet and what is on it down to the Central Fire for transformation.

Ask the Angels to close the doors and make them part of the wall.  Ask the Angels to multiply and intensify the strength of the walls times infinity to the 21st power.  Again, and again, and again, and again.

Ask the Angels to cut off any and all access, and any and all communication.  Ask the Angels to send this off to become a ‘celestial prison beyond the stars.’

Ask the Angels to put up a new golden triangle around which a new Behind the Doors is being constructed.

7.  Divine God, I ask in the name of your son, my lord, Jesus Christ, please bind the black magician or black magicians who are responsible for this evil.  Move your hands in circles from top to bottom and all around, saying:

‘I bind thee so you cannot harm yourself or others.’  (3 times)  Angels, anchor, lock and seal these bindings in golden padlocks and golden wedges.’  (Poke the bindings)

Move your hands in circles from top to bottom and all around, saying:

Angels, wrap them in Egyptian burial mummy cloth – above, below and all around.   ‘I bind thee so you cannot harm yourself or others.  (3 times)   Please wrap them in Pink Love from The Heart of the Goddess, above, below and all around.  Please wrap them in the symbol, The Heart of the Goddess, above, below and all around.  

Move your hands to make a cube from top to bottom and all around, saying:

Angels, place them in golden cubes – above, below and all around.  Let there be a one-way door going in so that all Karma and all Darma that is due be returned with love.   ‘I bind thee so you cannot harm yourself or others.’  (3 times)   By the power of 3 times 3, anchor, lock and seal these bindings in ruby red and God’s Divine Will.  So must it be.

9.  Divine God, I ask in the name of your son, my lord, Jesus Christ, your son, Saint Michael the Archangel, in the name of all who have come in the Love of Buddha and the Light of Maria and Christ, and in the name of all that is Holy, Just and Right, please (stretch your right arm out in front of you and cone the fingers of right hand and make small clockwise circles.)unbind, unwind, unravel, undo, unweave, reverse (reverse the direction of the circles; that is, make counterclockwise circles and begin moving your hand towards you) and make a U-turn (make a U-turn in front of you and move your hand away from you while you continue circling counterclockwise) out of any and all black magic, evil, demons, death spells, pain, harm, diseases, maliciousness, shackles, poisons, fear, sorrow, anger, hatred, rage, revenge, greed, dishonesty, corruption, lies, envy, black or demonic or inappropriate contracts, vampire-like tentacles, black vortexes, demonic umbilical cords or any other form of energy-sucking device, magic, control or other darkness.  Send it all down to the central fire for transformation (throw it down), Behind the Doors (push it off and up to the side) or back to the original perpetrator(s) (push it in front of you) by the power of 3 with love.

10.  Ask the Angels to fill in the voids with gold and cobalt blue.  Ask the Angels to bring in ‘tons’of gold, and ask that the gold push the darkness either down to the central fire for transformation or to Behind the Doors. 

There is also an etheric tube from Heaven, which goes into the North Pole.  Ask the Angels to bring in more gold and other high vibrational heavenly energies Earth’s North Pole.  Ask that the gold push the darkness down to the central fire for transformation or out the South Pole. 

There is a seamless, golden tube that leaves Earth’s South Pole and goes directly to Behind the Doors.

You may also ask for additional energies to fill in the voids:   Pink Love from The Heart of The Goddess, Violet Flames of Transformation, Amethyst Light of Truth, Christ Light, Light of Enoch, and other High-Vibrational colors, symbols, tones, scents and vibrations.