Regardless of whether it is a group or an individual, I guide people into a deep meditation. One at a time, I guide them to the entrance to 3 different lifetimes. Past lives come up because healing is required. After each lifetime, we work with Angels to bring about resolution. Everything that is brought up is cleared by the Angels. This is why it is highly advisable to participate in past life regressions with a qualified therapist or a known healer. In my CD, PAST LIFE REGRESSION, I guide the listeners to a place where they are able to release, heal, forgive and move on.If I am working with an individual, I journey along side the person. I see glimpses of past lives, or the individual watching his or her past life. If I am working with a group, I see glimpses of past lives, but I do not know who I am seeing unless later that individual shares his or her experiences with the group.
An example of a past life regression from Reiki & Other Rays of Touch Healing:
CONSTANTINE – Sometimes, a past life surfaces for a healee after I receive an impression. I was working on a woman at Ishpeming when I heard the name, Constantine.As there are relatively few ‘famous people’ in history, my left-brain jumped in and said emphatically, No! I heard the name again! Feeling the power of the woman’s spirit under my hands, my left-brain conjured the possibility that perhaps this was one of Constantine’s generals. However, the name, Constantine,repeated persistently! Reluctantly, I spoke the name, “Constantine!” to her.
Her eyes opened wide, amazed that I had picked up what she had known for most of her life. She told me her story: Ever since the age of three, she cried irrepressible tears at every new and every full moon. Thus far, Transcendental Meditation was her only method of managing uncontrollable remorse. She went on to say that ever since she could remember, she carried within her heart a heavy object.
This battle-weary warrior longed to return to the Light and trusted that I had released my own judgments and was channeling the healing energy she needed to heal. As past lives were being healed, I pulled off many cloaks and garb. Each represented the shedding of and healing of old issues. Included in her etheric closet were many red cardinal hats, as well as pontiff hats. However, there was one particular bishop’s hat that I found uncomfortably too familiar. Her friend, who was observing the process, later told me that my face went white when I saw the bishop’s hat. She expected me to start choking the healee or throw her off of the table.
Instead, I helped the woman who was Constantine to release her guilt. I explained to her that many ascended masters had lived lifetimes as warriors or dark magicians before returning to The Light. Quite suddenly, I choked. It felt as if black smoke were in my lungs. In one of Constantine’s past lives, he was responsible for burning me alive at the stake.
Because I put aside judgments and aided my ‘enemy’, great healing came to me. The Angels told me that I would never fully be conscious of the rewards bestowed upon me because of this single act of compassion. Your enemies may or may not come to you for healing or forgiveness; if they do, heaven will reward you for your generosity of compassion.
During Constantine’s healing, I satisfied my own left-brained curiosity. That is, the Illuminati or the Illumined Ones date directly back to Constantine. They are the 7 families, who own the greater majority of the world’s wealth. The Illuminati is the 7-headed beast in The Apocalypse. Larry Abraham says they call themselves the Illuminati because they think they know something that the rest of us do not know; that is, that God does not exist. They also refer to themselves as the sons of Apollo.
Peter de Rosa, a former priest who worked in the Vatican archives for years, wrote a book, VICARS OF CHRIST: The Dark Side of the Papacy. In his book he describes how Constantine prayed before a metal statue of Apollo, the sun god, the day before he and his men attacked Rome. The odds against Constantine winning were monumental.
When I asked the woman, who was the reincarnation of Constantine about this, she said Constantine saw black rays pouring out of the statue. He knew his prayers had been answered and he assumed that God was evil. There are medieval drawings of mean-looking cherubs holding an index finger to their lips, as if saying, “I have a secret.”
This was the source of the woman’s guilt, sleepless nights. As a young child, she knew she was Constantine and that it was not God who answered Constantine’s prayers. What really happened was that Lucifer interfered. God’s Angels cannot change the past. However, clearing & healing the past has important ramifications in the present.
If Constantine had asked, “In Divine Truth, who are you?” he would have known. Even today, how many of us are taught to question rather than blindly accept or assume?
Peter de Rosa’s book is well researched and documented. It made the New York Times bestseller list, but it is no longer available. One bookstore owner told me that it was not unheard of for a large, wealthy organization to buy up existing copies as well as the printing rights to a ‘hot’ book.