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Autumn 2011 Newsletter

Contents:  Egypt 2012 trip 
November 9 – 18, 2011 – a Great Cosmic Opportunity 
Journeywork is both a form of prayer and Spiritual practice 
Tera Mai, Healing by Observing the Angels – Miraculous! 
Tera Mai initiations – Cahokia & Egyptian Cartouche 
Q & A 

At this time, it is important to focus on The Light & Love: After you pray, consider pausing for a few minutes with a clear, empty mind.  

Over and over again, the Bible states, be silent before The Lord.  He showers His Gifts upon those who remain silent before Him, the kingdom of God is within.  The only possible way to get into this state is through meditation!

Forgiveness, Justice and Compassion are sorely needed on Earth.  If it feels right to you, pray for this.  Wednesday Night at 8:00 PM has become a powerful time to pray.  Join in with millions of people worldwide at 8:00 PM wherever you happen to be.

Power of Prayer:Jesus said that the power of prayer grows considerably when 2 or more are gathered together.

Dymphna Keegan told me that one Thursday, she thought it was Wednesday.  At eight o’clock, she settled down to do the Wednesday Night Clearing.  As soon as she got into a meditative state, she saw a MASSIVELY HUGE column of Light going straight up to God.  When Dymphna asked what it was, the Angels told her that the Light was all of the prayers from last night’s Wednesday Night 8:00 PM Clearing. 

Egypt 2012: When Patrick Zeigler asked me to be a presenter in the program in Egypt in December 2012, I asked people who were interested in signing up under me to wait until December 2011 to sign up.  When violence broke out in the Middle East, I spoke with Patrick and said that I would wait to see what would happen.  Early in October 2011, the energy shifted; I received the message not to go.  Regretfully, I must back out.  If anyone did not heed my advice, please contact me.

Cosmic Comet:  By definition the 3 Wise Men in the New Testament were astronomers and astrologers.  2,000 years ago, planets were called stars.  They were following the king planet, Jupiter.  The great Mayan astrologers saw the heavens as ‘reading The Mind of God.’  As God’s Gift to everyone is freewill choice, each individual chooses in which direction s/he will take the energy.  For example, Gandi and Charles Manson had similar natal astrology charts.  They both had followers and were spiritual leaders – one worked in The Light, the other in the dark.  

Cosmic Comets have appeared in the heavens before.  This configuration typically includes the Moon, which from our perspective moves quickly.  Thus, this astrological configuration is short lived.  The Cosmic Comet in November 2011 lasts for 9 days.  I could feel the energy coming days prior to November 9.  

Cristina Molina, an author and astrologer from Argentina, emailed to say that a Cosmic Comet will be in the heavens from November 9 – 18.  Much Light, Love and Compassion will come into our world – blessings for some, lessons for others.  It may be worthwhile to consult a good astrologer to see how this GREAT CONFIGURATION aspects your own natal, progressed and solar charts.  Or you may simply meditate and ask God and His Angels to allow yo to feel these energies during this time.

The extraordinary energy of this Cosmic Comet brings positive, permanent changes for the better.

This is also a GREAT TIME for the healing energy of Tera Mai, which is connecting even more powerfully with The Lving Presence of The Divine, because the Cosmic Comet powerfully aspects my chart.  Cristina’s reading included the following:  The Female Energy of God will be over you from November 9 to 18, to assist you every moment.  The Energy will go from you to others, from Pluto (your Ascendant to Mead Heaven in Cancer (your Descendent).This means that the energy flows into me, into Tera Mai and then to properly attuned Tera Mai initiates, who are abiding by Buddha’s Tera Mai Standards.

Any spiritual practices that you do during these 9 days will be enormously enhanced.  This includes the Wednesday Night 8:00 PM Clearings on November 9 & 16, and Shamanic journeywork.

Shamanic Journeywork is both Prayer and Spiritual Practice:  In other cultures (which includes Egyptian and Jewish Essences) Shamanic Journeywork was given other names.  Michael Harner discovered that the practice is fundamentally identical worldwide.

Shamanic Journeywork begins by calling upon Higher Beings:  Holy Spirits, Angels, God/Goddess, Jesus . . . whomever the individual feels close to.  The individual petitions or prays to Higher Beings to help him/her with healing, creativity, to find information and/or answers. et cetera/

Typically, the individual meditates to a rapid, non-varying drumbeat; going deeply behind his/her eyes until s/he sees him/herself standing in a beautiful place in nature.  As the intention was set before meditating, the individual simply keeps watching him/herself to see what happens.  Of course, the individual may ask questions,.  However, if s/he tries to control the experience, the Higher Beings go away.

The Noon on Sunday Shamanic Journeys are done anytime either before or after the noon on Sunday in question.  This is possible because in the realms of Spirit and Angels time does not exist the way it does in the physical world.  Therefore, it is possible in meditation to ask the Angels to take you ahead or back in time.  We cannot change the past, but we can heal it.  However, each noon on Sunday Shamanic Journey seems to exist in a special time and place.  Whenever I journey to a particular Sunday with the Angels, I am aware that millions of people have contributed.  My sense is because even years from now, individuals will embark on this particular pilgrimage.

There are 24 Noon on Sunday Shamanic Journeys described on Shamanic Journey Practice  Each experience builds upon the last.  These journeys are an introduction to God’s Nature and Celestial Angels.  Who knows what the accumulative effects will be?

Healing by Holding The Light & Observing the Angels:  When I was a little girl, I never put my hands on anyone to heal.  I simply prayed or watched the Angels working in a wondrous Light.

In September 2011, this particular Gift of the Spirit returned to me.  Now, I am able to consciously call upon the Gift, meditate and watch.  Typically, I see the individual as s/he is.  Then The Light and the Angels arrive.  More often than not, the individual feels the energy and changes happening.  

In the case of several people, I could see The Light come over the individual and spill off to the sides.  Light would not go in.  In all these cases it came to me to ask the individual if s/he would give me permission to remove manmade initiations.  Immediately after the Angels removed them, Light came into the individual.

Clients in England, Ireland and here at home are absolutely amazed at the power, love and effectiveness of the healings.  Each time is different.  Sometimes, I am able to see inside of the physical body – I may see only the body part in question or I may see visual metaphors.  Or I may see what’s going on in the aura.  The information I pick up from the Angels is 98% accurate.

As with other healing techniques, outright miracles happen.  Other times, people heal in layers, and come back for additional sessions.

New Workshop:  During the one-day Healing through Observing The Angels & The Light workshops I gave in England and Ireland, I was able to feel the Angels working above the heads of workshop participants.   (All were Tera Mai initiates/healers.)  Each workshop participant was able to work with the Angels in similar ways.  That is, individuals incorporated the Gift the Angels gave them in accordance with their life’s work, healing energy they were channeling and their own Gifts.  Two people were able to look inside of the physical body and see everything as it is.  People found that upon checking with their partner that the information they received was accurate, and healing was going to the issue and appropriate part of the body.

I also gave each workshop participant an initiation, which helps to focus The Light.

Initiation at Thumbs & Index Fingers:  In March 2011, I was given an initiation, typically reserved for bishops, which I had not asked for.  I simply stood mesmerized, watching.  What I know now is that the Angel Israel, who was called Jacob, was in charge.  The Angel Israel altered the initiation so that it was given to me in its original form, intent and energy. 
When I returned home, I asked Claire Campbell, who was psychic before she took any Tera Mai initiations and classes, if the initiation and I were clear.  She affirmed that it was so.  When I described the initiation to her, she was amazed.  Years ago when she was in between the physical world and the Spirit world, an Angel appeared to her.  The Angel gave Claire exactly the same initiation that I had received.

On Sunday, November 6, Marlene Kennedy and I did another clearing on this initiation and all who received it.  The Angels did this effortlessly.  Without doubt, I knew that the noon on Sunday Shamanic Journeys were helping the Angels to do this.  What has been cleared may well have been the subsequent misuse of energy since the time of Christ.

This initiation produces a strong laser beam of Light between the thumb and index finger that is used for healing.  When I heal by holding The Light and observing the Angels, I hold my thumbs to my index fingers.  After calling upon the Angels, this helps to bring in HUGE Heavenly Light that the Angels use for healing.

As with all healing methods, miracles are possible.  Other times, people heal in ‘layers,’ and find that one or more additional healing sessions are required.  Also, the healer’s own healing energy, which s/he has been initiated into or born with, are a major factor in what is brought up for healing and how effective each session is. 

Karina Hall had this to say regarding the initiation and workshop: 
The index and thumb initiation I received from you is proving to be very useful while doing reflexology.  A tender spot on the feet corresponds to a reflex point for an organ or part of the body where an imbalance exists.  On Monday, I saw the angels working several times on a woman.  She flinched when I touched a reflex for the left lymph/breast area and when I used my index and thumb together on the area I saw angles sending waves of energy to her breast.  When the healing was over the breast was filled with green healing energy. The angels told me, ‘There is nothing to say; it is all done.’  

The medical screening I did with this client did not indicate that she was in any way worried or had any concerns regarding her breast.  She is in her mid fifties.  Subsequently, I have been using my thumb and index finger on my hand reflexes and, yes, it is powerful.

Tera Mai Initiations:  When I was in England, the healing energies and potentials of Tera Mai Cahokia went up tremendously.  This process is going on automatically for all properly attuned Tera Mai Cahokia initiates who are abiding by Buddha’s Tera Mai standards.  Tera Mai Cahokia is the weaving of the 4 elemental rays of healing, so, Tera Mai Cahokia is pulling up TM Reiki and TM Seichem.

Tera Mai Egyptian Cartouche Initiationsfocus on increasing intuition and psychic abilities.  Every time I have considered adding Tera Mai Egyptian Cartouche initiators to Tera Mai Instructors – Find One, I am waylaid.  

When I was in England, Higher Beings changed the EYE of HORUS initiation at the 3rd eye.  This raised the energy and potential of this initiation as well as all of the Tera Mai Egyptian Cartouche initiations.

I am able to do the EYE of HORUS re-initiation over the phone on a donations-are-accepted basis.  If the individual so wishes, after making sure that s/he was taught how to do these initiations in the standardized manner, I will simply add him/her to a new Egyptian Cartouche link on Tera Mai Instructors – Find one.  If s/he is not registered, s/he is required to fill out a registration form on my site under TM Instructors – Register.  There is a one-time fee.

Tera Mai Reiki & Tera Mai Seichem Mastership DVDs:   If you should ever have a question regarding these initiations, my DVDs are correct.  I would think that Tera Mai instructors would want to own these items.  I sell them for $15 each.   The DVDs are universal; that is, they play in all countries.  These DVDs are also available from only the following people: 
ENGLAND:  Anita O’Hagan [email protected] and the new UK Tera Mai Society  
IRELAND:  Karen Molan  [email protected] and Aileen Fennessy [email protected] 
THE NETHERLANDS:  Marion Valkenburgh [email protected] 
If I have inadvertently omitted anyone, please contact me.

Q & A: 

Question:  I use the Reiki CHO KU RAY before other symbols and the Seichem one at the end,
 as I was taught years ago.  Then I read somewhere that these two should not be used together.  I also read that the Reiki power smbols are more yang and puts energy in, whilst the Seichem CHO KU RAYS are more yin – releasing and allowing. 

Answer:   Oftentimes, people will use their left, logical brain to try to put a logical spin or takeoff on metaphysical or Spiritual phenomenon.  There are numerous examples:

RJ took my Tera Mai Reiki Mastership call in England almost 20 years ago.  During the class, he announced to members of the group and myself that he was going back to Japan to put the energies that he received from the initiations I had given him into Japanese Reiki initiations, which were supposed to be traced back to Dr. Usui.    

My response was that if what he said was true about Dr. Usui and the Japanese Reiki initiations, then he should not have to put any energy whatsoever into them.

Furthermore, energy is not like mixing and matching items of clothing to enhance ones wardrobe.  For example, if you put diesel fuel into a car, which takes regular unleaded, the car will not work as well.  Within a short period of time, the car will stop.  

BACK TO THE CHO KU RAYS:  If you look on my site on the Tera Mai Symbols page and scroll down, you will see both the CHO KU RAYS that get smaller, and below those, the CHO KU RAYS that get bigger.  All I have ever said is, ‘as CO KU RAYS are energy and energizers, energy patterns are important.  It seems to work better to draw the ones that get smaller first and then the ones that get bigger.’  

Question:   Kathleen,  When I do the Wednesday Night Clearing, sometimes, it is beautiful.  Other times, I feel negative energies.  What is going on?  Mary

Answer:   Whenever anyone meditates, or participates in such events as the Wednesday Night 8:00 PM Clearing or the noon on Sunday Shamanic Journey, both wondrous energies and  negative energies come up.  Most of the time, these negative energies are coming up from within us.

WHAT I DO:  I ask the Angels where it is coming from or what to do.  Typically, I get that I am to breathe the negative energies to them to deal with, or down to Earth’s central fire for transformation.  Other times, I am asked to ask the Angels to surround the ‘stuff’ in cobalt blue or gold first.  If the ‘stuff’ is coming from somebody else, sometimes, the Angels will simply send it back to whomever sent it.  I leave the matter in the Angel’s hands.  Sometimes, I see God’s Great Hand intervening.

When ‘stuff’ comes off of Earth or people the process is similar.   I ask the Angels to surround it in Cobalt blue and gold.  Then I ask the Angels to take the ‘stuff’ down to the central fire, to Behind the Doors or back to the sender with love.  Again, I leave it to the Angels.  Sometimes, God steps in and removes the stuff.   THIS IS IMPORTANT:  From the beginning, I implored to God that if I should ever ask for the wrong thing, that He and His Angels step in and make the corrections.

Question:   Kathleen,  Would it be possible for you to write out (I know it’s very long) the clearings – binding, gagging and blindfolding.  On Saturday, I did a clearing on a lady.  I used what I could remember from the clearing and bindings we did in Cashel.  She felt so much clearer and lighter when we finished.

I also used what we did to clear and heal my ancestors of addiction and cancer that runs in my family.  What an amazing experience that was.  Dymphna

Answer:   I have asked my webmaster to put up Binding on my site under Tera Mai Clearings .  Then click on Binding

You took the new workshop of Healing through observing the Angels and Light.  Focusing on The Light is also a way to release unwanted entities and energies.  For example, I didn’t see very much when the Angels were working on a particular woman.  I persisted and watched.  This went on for a long time.  Then I could feel and hear her get out of her chair and leave the room.  I was deep in meditation and it took me a bit to come back.  When I opened my eyes, I was shocked to see that she was still in meditation, sitting in her chair.  I asked her if she had just felt something big leave her.  She affirmed that what had left had been enormous and that she was feeling better.  I closed my eyes and asked the Angels to show me what had left.  They showed me a large dark figure leave the woman and run for the door.

Whenever darkness is removed, is very important to ask the Angels to fill in the voids with Golden Heavenly Light – Gold Purification, Cobalt Blue Healing, Violet Flames of Transformation, Pink Love from The Heart of The Goddess and Amethyst Light of Truth.