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Summer 2004 Newsletter

Heavenly Opportunity

Upcoming Classes

Book Reviews and Reader Comments
4th Book – White Boar: Richard III – a Man Ahead of His Time
ISBN 1-886903-83-2 – Novel will be available 2005
Takata’s Story of Dr. Usui – What’s fact? What’s fiction?
Registration on
Sakara, Sophi-El and Angeliclight & Cahokia
June 8, 2004 – Open Your Psychic Abilities!
Group Meditation – June 8th from 4:30 – 5:30 pm (Pacific Daylight Time)
What Happened to Shurgar?

Upcoming Classes

Phoenix Classes – call 1-602-404-1689
July 2 & 4 – TM Seichem I, July 5 – TM Seichem II
July 6 & 7 – TM Reiki Mastership, July 8 – TM Seichem Mastership
Classes and demonstration in Ireland – contact Breed Neylon – +353-1822-7072
Sakara, Sophi-El, Angeliclight and Cahokia – September 24 & 26
Shamanic II Class (2nd Enochian Magic Initiation) and demonstration – Limerick
September 27 – 29 – contact [email protected]
Classes in The Netherlands, Oct. 1-6 – contact Willem Boern at [email protected]
Milwaukee, Wisconsin August 14 – 22
Tera-Mai Sakara, Sophi-El and Angeliclight & Cahokia – individually or small groups

I will be writing my 2nd novel this summer but I am available for weekend workshops if you set up the classes. Tera-Mai instructors who have enough people interested in my Shamanic Class or the second and third levels of Sakara, Sophi-El and Angeliclight – if I do a book signing/talk on Friday, I will promote your Tera-Mai classes as well as my books and then teach on the Saturday and Sunday.

Typical Reader Comment

Between Two Worlds: 
The Story of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn – and Her Celtic Heritage
by Kathleen Ann Milner
6 X 9 inches, 306 pages, $15.95, ISBN 1-886903-21-2
Bookstores may order book through New Leaf or Baker & Taylor – both wholesalters carry the book in stock. carries the book. Barnes & Nobel and B. Dalton may order the book at no additional charge if it is not on their shelf. You may also order the book directly from me – $15.95 includes surface postage.

Between Two Worlds is an amazing book with so many messages and much knowledge. sometimes, I not only saw the story unfolding in my mind, but I had the feeling that i was there. When this happened my hands would warm up and energy ran up and down through my body. It was almost as if i was remembering and it was quite an experience! I thank you so much for writing this wonderful book. I has opened a new dimension in my life. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Gisela Hammerstein, who divides her time between Florida and Mexico

From the Front Cover of Summer Issue of Leading Edge Review

Tera, My Journey Home: 3rd Edition – Alternative Healing
by Kathleen Ann Milner
8.5 X 11 inches, 308 pages, $21.95, ISBN 1-886903-21-2
Bookstores may order book through New Leaf or Baker & Taylor – both wholesalters carry the book in stock. carries the book. Barnes & Nobel and B. Dalton may order the book at no additional charge if it is not on their shelf. You may also order the book directly from me – $21.95 includes surface postage.

Is your tongue white? Do you wake up tired? Do you have trouble losing or putting on weight? Frequent sinus infections? These may be symptoms of secondary infections, which are oftentimes unresponsive to antibiotics. Milner maps out the whys, hows and practical applications of a variety of alternative therapies designed to restore homeostasis for this and other health issues.
Other chapters include a Shamanic & Divination system that may be used by anyone, retraining and therapeutics for abused horses, elemental healing, moving Qi, and healing past lives. Well-written, documented, witnessed accounts and stories of healings, and thought-out examples bestow credibility and meaning.
“. . . She educates and shares her insights on how to tune into healing and psychic abilities. Readers will find this gem of a book to be an insightful reference to the healing forces hidden within our universe.”
2nd Edition reviewed in Volume #68 of Magical Blend Magazine

Fourth Book / 2nd Novel

White Boar: Richard III – a Man Ahead of His Time 
by Kathleen Ann Milner
6 X 9 inches, ? pages, $15.95, ISBN 1-886903-21-2
Bookstores may order book through New Leaf or Baker & Taylor – both wholesalters carry the book in stock. carries the book. Barnes & Nobel and B. Dalton may order the book at no additional charge if it is not on their shelf. You may also order the book directly from me – $15.95 includes surface postage.

What makes my historical novels different? I like to do my own research by visiting the sites were the characters lived, and trek through the museums, libraries and art galleries where their earthly effects and images currently reside. I actually reawd all of the books listed in the bibliography of Between Two Worlds. In addition, I was born with psychic and healing abilities. In the process of preparing to write, either the characters get under my skin or I am in theirs. When I see the cover of the book, I know it is time to sit down at the computer and begin.
In the writing of Between Two Worlds I went through a dramatic healing process; readers are thus offered similar healing opportunities. Because I see the scenes unfolding psychically, it helps the reader to visualize while s/he is reading. Interesting information is revealed! For example, Anne Boleyn’s paternal, Irish grandmother was telling her the story of Saint Bridget (who was actually a Celtic Shaman) and when it came time to write about Bridget’s animal of power I asked, “Who was Bridget’s power animal?” Immediately, I saw and heard Raven. People I tell this story to typically get the chills (this phenomenon is called clairsentience – a psychic affirmation of the truth). While I am writing dialog I feel slight shifts in my body, and an alteration in attitude affects the words that become emblazoned on the pages. In this manner, strengths and frailties, hopes and fear of the characters produce believable individuals; this along with startling revelations engages the reader in the story.
When I visited Bosworth Field, I was overcome with the realization that I had lived before as a man who had fought for Richard III in the hill environment surrounding me, existing somehow in two distinctly different centuries, or out of time. I also found that I was angrier with Henry VII than I had been at Henry VIII. What I have stated about healing prospects and visualization for Between Two Worlds will also hold true for White Boar.

Takata’s Story of Dr. Usui – What’s Fact? 
What’s Fiction?

My last newsletter inspired a wide range of comments that varies greatly from, “You certainly have a way of getting to the truth!” to horror and dismay that I dared question Dr. Usui’s role in Reiki. Here is what is known to be true:
Legends about Usui do NOT exist in Japan! What is highly unusual about this reality is that, unlike China, religion is an exposed and evolving process in Japan. Spirituality is openly discussed; so, the fact that there are no Japanese stories about Usui is extremely improbable. The Japanese do not decide if they will be Catholic or Protestant; rather, the Japanese incorporate aspects of spirituality into their lives. Given this fact, if the healing miracles attributed to Usui by Takata were true, Usui would have become legendary and nearly everyone in Japan would be receiving Reiki initiations. (You might consider checking out a book from the library on comparative Eastern religion or culture.) Also, there is no “R” in the Japanese language.
In fact, the Japanese who have been initiated into Reiki trace their lineages back through westerners, who trace their lineage back to Takata. Why? Two men found a stone marking the graves of Dr. Usui and his son. Bodies in Japan are cremated because land in Japan is extremely expensive! Only the enormously wealthy are able to afford funeral plots. If Usui was that prosperous, the likelihood of their being no legends and not one story about him is impossible!
The inscription on the grave marker states that one of Usui’s students had 500,000 students and another had 200,000+ students. (pages 42 and 43 of The Reiki Sourcebook) With Usui’s students and his other students’ students, we are possibly talking about 1,000,000 people who were initiated into Reiki 100 years ago. But there are not legends and not one story?
The Reiki Sourcebook (pages 54 – 68) goes on to say that Usui was born into a Samurai family, that he was a lay Buddhist priest and that he also practiced Shintoism. Both Takata and the inscribed tombstone state that he also had a strong connection to the Kurama Temple, where he practiced kushu shinren. However, like the University of Chicago (where Dr. Usui supposedly received a doctorate degree in theology), the Kurama Temple has NO record of usui being a member or even being associated with the temple. Impossible!
Let’s look at this from another way: The grave marker continues to state that Usui wa also the first president of Usui Reiki Ryoho-Gakkai. Any Buddhist will tell you that a Buddhist monk with Samurai roots, who practiced Shintoism and was connected with the Kurama Temple would NOT name a system of spiritual/Universal healing after himself and declare himself the first president of this system. If his students tried to name the healing system after Usui, the Buddhist monk would have put a stop to it!
The Reiki Sourcebook also discueeses a couple of Usui’s students who are living and teaching Reiki yet today, though they are over 100 years old. Yes, this is feasible but neither the authors of the book nor anybody else seems to know where they are, where their students are, or what the names of their students are. How would anyone know if initiations transpired if nobody knows where these mystery people are or the names of their students? Then I received an email from the authors of The Reiki Sourcebook stating, “As to meeting old students (Usui’s original students who are over 100 years old) – from our own research a lot of the current stories circulating are wildly exaggerated by a few people – bad news for the system of Reiki. There do appear to be a few old students still alive but they do not meet with people.”
Personally, I do not agree that this is bad news for Reiki; it is bad news for the people who have been circulating the stories and the Reiki systems they promote that are based on these stories. Bringing the truth to the light of day may initially cause anger, questions and doubt. These in fact are good things because it serves to get people to start thinking rather than accepting what they are told. Interestingly enough, someone said that the Western men who initially claimed to have found the gravestone later admitted that they themselves had had it inscribed to honor Dr. Usui. So, where did these men get the information that they put on the stone? The authors of The Reiki Sourcebook also wrote to tell me that they are busy gathering information so that they will be able to correct any errors in the second edition.
The Reiki Sourcebook gives the lineages for many different Reiki systems, which trace back through other Reiki systems to Takata and Usui, and they do mention that Tera-Mai came about through a consciousness-raising experience. The book goes on to say that symbols, like HARTH, HALU, ZONAR, etc., originated with Tera-Mai. Believe it or not, there are Reiki systems that claim to have originated these symbols even though the copyright on Reiki & Other Rays of Touch Healing predates all of these Reiki systems and the originators of these systems took Tera-Mai classes. 
What The Reiki Sourcebook has wrong is the information about a legal case that I was involved in. In 1995, another individual and myself were NOT arguing in Federal Court over the origins of Reiki systems. Rather, I was sued on a business tort because after the truth came out, the other individual’s business went down and the individual was not making as much money. Needless to say, I was the defendant and the other individual did NOT win the case.
So, what is the truth about Takata and Dr. Usui? Takata probably visited a Buddhist temple where a monk had retrieved initiations but not the full empowerment. Takata received what were thought to be minor initiations, but the initiations woke up her own psychic abilities, as evidenced by the outstanding healings she was able to facilitate. (There are documented witnessed accounts of Takata’s healings, including the raising of the dead.) She went far beyond the monks but she could not tell her story, so she elaborated on Usui’s story in order to help spread Reiki. After all, how many people, even today, have difficulty accepting a woman’s awakening?

Registration of
$60 is the current registration fee and it is NOT renewable each year.
$25 is the current charge for changes to the lisitng.
I am not currently able to make changes to my site and I rely on a web master.
The trademark Tera-Mai is free of charge to those who abide by all of the 
Tera-Mai standards
1. The initiations of Tera-Mai are done in a standardized way. In this way, everyone understands and knows what they will receive from the initiations of Tera-Mai. In this matter, other people are able to initiate Tera-Mai Reiki and Tera-Mai Seichem!
2. The Tera-Mai initiator will refrain from giving or receiving other Reiki, other Seichem or manmade attunements, because doing so compromises and diminishes the energy of Tera-Mai.
3. The Tera-Mai initiator must have been initiated by someone who is abiding by all of the Tera-Mai standards, and so on back to Kathleen Milner.

What are Sakara, Sophi-El and Angeliclight, and Cahokia?

Sakara, Sophi-El and Angeliclight further increases and enhances the energies of Tera-Mai Seichem. Elemental healing energies of the three initiations into earth, and the first initiations into air, fire and water are given together within the three initiations of Tera-Mai Seichem. The second and third initiations of fire (Sakara), Sophi-El (water) and Angeliclight (air) are given individually. Tera-Mai Seichem Masters who receive these initiations find that the healing energy they are channeling and the healings they are able to do increases. Real healing! Real magic does exist! The primary reason for doing these or any initiations into healing is for healing the self, others and Mother Earth. In addition, Andreas Blomberg from Sweden received the startling revelation in the Shamanic I Class that the Egyptians used the enrgy of Sakara to build the pyramids. Other information on these energies will undoubtedly come through as Earth moves increasingly upwards in vibration. Some people are stuck on the fact that they will not be taught how to do these initiations. Those who received these advanced initiations into elemental healing and magic and who also made up initiations into these elements have all lost the energy they were initiated into. However, they created a mess before they lost it.
I had put out that I would teach people how to do these initiations free of charge if they would sign a contract stating that they would give 20$ of what they charged back to Tera-Mai and only give or receive Tera-Mai initiations. Recently, some people have stated objections to the idea of such a contract. i would be open to hearing any suggestions on how I might teach other people how to do these elemental initiations and also ensure the general public that they would be receiving the Universal initiations and not somebody’s “customized” version. Read The Reiki Sourcebook for a glimpse at how many people have altered Reiki initiations they were attuned to without a consciousness-raising experience.
While it is unethical and even illegal, there are still people who say that they are doing Tera-Mai initiations who are not abiding by the Tera-Mai standards. Yes, they get into trouble with their students who have the right to ask for their money back. These individuals cause a lot of problems before they lose the energy of the Tera-Mai initiations.
Cahokia is the weaving of the 4 elements into a healing energy, which brings increasing clarity with each of the 7 initiations. When I was a girl, I read the New Testament where Jesus said, “You shall do greater things than I have done.” since that time, I have wanted to heal in the manner of Jesus. Cahokia is the healing energy that I was born with, and at this point, I would have no idea how I would even begin to teach someone how to do the Cahokia initiations.

June 8, 2004 – Transit of Venus Across the Sun

Venus transits last for 6 to 7 hours and occur in pairs exactly 8 years minus 2 days apart. Thus, the next Venus transit will occur in June 2012 – the magic yeawr. The last pair of Venus transits happened in 1874 and 1882. Venus transiting the sun is like a mini eclipse and eclipses are like exclamation points. What factors into any astrological occurrence is: What else is going on at the same time?
As the vibrational rate of Earth intensifies, individuals are becoming connected to the field and, thus, synchronicity and awareness is increasing. It is becoming ever more difficult to hid intentions and thoughts. Because Uranus in Pisces is significantly involved on June 8, meditating prior to or during the transit might well bring about insights and, perhaps, more. (The energy is usually the strongest just prior to the aspect actually happening.) Here is what the current issue of The Mountain Astrologer (June/July 2004 – issue #115 has to say. (If you are interested in hearing more, you might want to pick up a copy.) I am sending out the summer newsletter early so that you might take advantage of this opportunity:
Monday’s edginess is sustained by Tuesday’s (June*) high-tension square between Mercury and Uranus (5:05 pm Pacific Daylight Time). This pairing tends to speed up the nervous system, shocking the mind with unusual perceptions and speedy communications. The chance for brilliant insights is enhanced but it takes a flexible attitude and an open mind to absorb this information overload without becoming irritable or mentally exhausted. Fortunately, the day’s other planetary evens are softer and gentler. At 1:43 am (Pacific Daylight Time) Venus conjuncts the Sun in Gemini, aligning pleasure, appreciation and love with the core of consciousness. Self-acceptance makes us feel worthy, thus, reducing the chance of conflict and engendering a spirit of cooperation. The Moon enters sensitive Pisces at 2:38 am (Pacific Daylight Time), carrying tenderness and compassion into this otherwise mentally charged day.”

Group Meditation
Tuesday, June 8th from 4:30 to 5:30 pm (Pacific Daylight Time)
A Peace of the Universe
Bookstore located at 7000 East Shea Boulevard, Scottsdale, Arizona
Near Maria of Naples Restaurant on 2nd floor of the mall across from Wild Oats
facilitator – Kathleen Ann Milner

If you do live near Phoenix, you may still join in. Meditate while we are meditating. Be open and flexible – see what happens!

What Happened to Shurgar?

Who is Shurgar? Shurgar is a famous Irish racehorse with a magnificent presence. He was stolen roughly a decade ago.
I was in Ireland shortly after the theft and a group of people asked me about Shurgar because even then the authorities thought he might well be dead. It came to me so quickly! Shurgar was alive and on the British Isle, just not in Ireland. When I was in England this last spring, Shurgar’s name came up again. A man who said that he was a former member of the IRA told the press that he had been involved in the theft of Shurgar, and that Shurgar had become very upset shortly after being kidnapped and they could not stop him from kicking his stall. According to this man, Shurgar supposed kicked his stall for such an extended period of time that he died of a heart attack. But the man cannot tell us where the body is!
First of all, a racehorse that is used to being carted around to different races and stabled at different racetracks is not going to become worried and fearful in yet another strange environment thinking that he has been kidnapped. Secondly, anyone who could have pulled off this theft would have made provisions for the horse afterwards – otherwise they would have been caught! Thirdly, this confession came just prior to the running of the Irish Grand National. When I watched the running of the race, a knowing came through me that one of Shurgar’s progeny was in the race and that the owners expected him to win. If people think that Shurgar died before he could be bred then no one will be looking through DNA samples of current stallions to match them against Shurgar’s!
In the Shamanic Class Shurgar came to me again – his progeny have other stallion’s names on their registrations, but none of them have lived up to Shurgar’s potential. Why? Karma! In Tera, My Journey Home: 3rd Edition – alternative Healing I finish telling the story of my horse – the one who was stolen and eventually returned. A horse in Native American tradition represents POWER! If someone is holding onto a horse, especially a very powerful animal, who is not supposed to be his/hers, then things begin to go badly. Very badly! The woman who had my horse stolen was declared incompetent and lost control over her estate. The Arizona Agricultural Agent who issued her an illegal hauling card and participated in the theft had a heart attack and was not allowed to come back to work. Two of the men involved died shortly after the theft! They were unable to show my horse, let alone ride him or put him in front of a cart.
Whoever stole Shurgar has been living a personal and professional nightmare for over ten years. However, this individual believes that Shurgar is like a powerful talisman. Shurgar is just that! However, this individual is blinded to what is really happening or did not watch Raiders of the Lost Ark. The karma for all of the individuals involved in the theft and those who know the truth will continue to worsen until the horse is returned to his rightful owners and compensation is made. Should Shurgar be destroyed, karma for all who have been involved in any way is multiplied again by the power of ten.

Karma – “good” and “bad” – is coming due and payable for everyone!