Challenges are evolving into crisis both for the Earth and her citizens.
Pray, be open to Change & be Honest with others and yourself.
Christmas brings much needed hope, opportunities & success.
After a consciousness-raising experience with Buddha, I initiated and taught countless people the ancient art of hands-on healing and Shamanic Journeywork through the healing system, Tera Mai™.
Since August 2008, I’ve encouraged my students and their students to participate in a weekly worldwide prayer/meditation. It is free. You are welcome to join us !!!
On Wednesday evenings at 8:00 pm, wherever they happen to be, people ask God and God’s Angels, “Please connect me to the Tera Mai™ healers who are doing the clearings.”
With God’s Angels this clearing and healing work has established a permanent healing wave around the planet. Thus, at anytime, those with good intentions may work with this energy/healing wave by asking God’s Angles, “Please connect me to the Wednesday Night Clearing Wave and the Tera Mai™ healers who are doing the clearings and healings.”
For example, on Saturday, November 30, Karina Hall (England) and I called upon this wave. When what we were trying to clear seemed hopeless, a HUGE BLUE WAVE appeared. It either dissolved or obliterated wickedness. This Blue Wave is now in the Wednesday Night Clearing Wave. Use Blue to clear, heal, regenerate & protect.
Another example, before he was killed the Brazilian mystic, Alex Martin Turati, and God’s Angels used the Wednesday Night Clearing Wave to create Tera Mai’s Thursday Night Manifestation of Wealth.
– Free meditation/video using these prayers is on Facebook/Kathleen.Milner.
– Read more on the blog page of www.KathleenAnnMilner.comGOD SPEAKS TO EACH OF US WITHOUT WORDS THROUGH OUR GUT FEELINGS & INNER KNOWING
– The Bible states that God cannot be summoned!
– The Bible states that God’s Spirit is within everything. We are part of everything.
– Jesus said the Kingdom of Heaven is within us.
– Therefore, God may be called forth from the depths of our being.
God is known by many names. Because it is difficult for us to conceive the entirety of God’s attributes and abilities in One Being, religions (such as Judaism and Hinduism) have different names for God. Each name represents a specific attribute.
– Shiva is The Masculine Divine Creator. Repeating Shiva, with the emphasis on the last syllable, opens the Heart Chakra
(The letter, a, is pronounced, AH. The letter, e, is pronounced, I.).
– Lakshmi (at the tip of the palm near the fingers) is The Feminine Goddess of wealth.
– Sarasvati (middle of the palm) is The Feminine Goddess of knowledge, science, music & art.
– Govindah (base of the palm, near the wrist) is The Feminine Goddess of power.
– Repeat Shiva until you feel warmth & compassion behind your sternum.
– Look at the palms of your hands. Continuously repeat Lakshmi, Sarasvati, Govindah.
– If you wish, Google Lakshmi, Sarasvati, Govindah and you will find Hindu chants.
Because too many people used the old Egyptian Cartouche Initiation process for dark magic, and to reinstate the ancient evil of the Brotherhood, God and God’s Angels removed the energy from the old Egyptian Cartouche initiations.
– The new Higher Consciousness initiations given at the Heart Chakra help to awaken attributes of The Divine Creator within us.
– Every initiate immediately feels incredible power when they receive the initiation at the wrist of the right hand.
– Valuable, powerful healing energy from The Goddess comes directly into and through the initiate’s right hand.
– The left hand serves to obliterate and clear dark energies.
– Click on Classes & Initiations on the new site for details.
– I will clear and re-initiate anyone who received the old initiations for a donation. The initiation at the right hand is an additional charge.
Photos of the October classes at Eliatamo in Spoleto, Italy are found below . People came from Canada, Germany, Holland, England and Italy. See description of classes on this site in Summer 2019 Newsletter.
– Hai Le & Jane Tennant from Canada came to Italy for my classes. The gave me jointcare with fermented turmeric from the company, Genuine Health. Once a day, I take 2 capsules on an empty stomach with ground pepper (activates Turmeric but black pepper may counteract some pharmaceuticals), and tart cherry juice (helps connective tissue and joints).
– To detox.
– Mallic acid in green apples, blueberries and some other fruits contributes to the sourness. Mallic Acid also works to release ‘stuck’ feces on the walls of the colon.
– Together Cilantro and Chlorella pull heavy metals out of the body.
– Some green drinks and powders alkalize the body, killing germs.
– ½ teaspoon of purified Bentonite Clay in a glass of water + 1 capsule of Cascara Sagrada pulls toxins out of the body.
– At the beginning of a cough I take 1 tablespoon of Wild Cherry Bark Cough Syrup, 1 dropper of Echinacea and 1 capsule of Mullen.
– CBD oil (cannabis or hemp) does NOT contain THC or produce a high or euphoric state.
– CBD oil works with the body’s own immune system.
– CBD oil may interfere with some prescription medications.
– CBD oil has been used successfully on pets, as well as on humans.
– Rather than live to eat, EAT TO LIVE.
– Limited fasting, such as, eating for only 8 hours out of a 24 hour day resets the body.
– Australian doctors told Rebel Wilson that the best dinner is no dinner.
– A more intensive fast would be Fast for one day / Eat for two days.
CAHOKIA energies were always strong, but I did not know why.
– Jek Mistry and Wies Sweep (both from Holland) always knew that Cahokia is connected to the Stars and Cosmos.
– The Angels showed me that pure Cahokia initiates were able to call down the blessings & energy of the Stars and Cosmos with Cahokia.- Then higher thought forms are manifested into physical form through elemental ether.
– Old Sakara initiations were corrupted by many Sakara Masters. So, God and God’s Angels pulled the energy out of the initiations.
– I have and will continue to clear and reinitiate those who were initiated into the old Sakara initiations into the new Sakara – earth, air, fire, water & ether initiations for a donation.- When I initiated Jek Mystry into the next Cahokia initiation, I witnessed a blast of Star Light coming out of one of the initiation points. – Angels revealed that I was connecting Cahokia initiates to particular Stars on people’s spines.
– Because I never taught anyone how to give the Cahokia initiations, the Cahokia initiations were never corrupted. After the clearing & re-initiating Sakara, those who were initiated into Cahokia will find the energies of Cahokia flowing again.
When Takata cut the Say Hay Key symbol in half, she cut out more than half of the healing energy.– I re-initiate Tera Mai™ Reiki Two and Tera Mai™ Seichem Two initiates for a donation. – Tera Mai™ students I’ve re-initiated are able to do the same. – After re-initiation, the healing energy more than doubles.- For decades, some authors have encouraged Reiki initiates to change Reiki initiations. – There are possibly more than 3,000 Usui Reiki initiations that are available at this time.- These are excellent examples of why it is important NOT to change Universal initiations. – Once a man or woman changes a Universal initiation, it ceases to be Universal. It is manmade.
Golden Age Symbols on the blog page of
Eliatamo, Ellie Pizzi and Karina Hall (England) are all on the 30-days of intensive prayer.
– While at Eliatamo, Karina felt the increased healing energy there came from being a part of the 30-Days of prayer.
– Karina also felt that those on the 30-Days of Prayer would benefit strongly if they participated for even 5 minutes a day by meditation or prayed, asking to be connect to the Prayers that are being said for them.
– When I pray for each individual on the prayer list, I now include their homes.
– I’ve also been praying for the stable where my horse is kept. Recently, the owner discovered their help was less than desirable, and were given notice. A new team of managers, who are overly qualified, were found easily and hired.
– Others on the prayer list write to tell me that they are being healed, and/or that aspects of their lives that are not working are leaving.
God’s Angels also showed me the complete Bishop’s Initiation.
– At Eliatamo I gave the new Bishop’s Initiation in the first Shamanic Class. Several people had previously received the incomplete initiation. They all noticed a BIG increase in the energy.
Hackers erased ALL of the pages on over 6 months ago.
All of the pages, including the Tera Mai Instructors page had to be retyped.
– If you paid the one-time registration fee, you do not need to repay.
– Email your photo (if you wish) and updated information to me.
– Buddha’s Tera Mai™ standards are re-affirmed at the top of every listing: I only give and receive standardized Tera Mai™ initiations.
– Energies from the Heavens have been encouraging us to make a choice.
– Roy Cohn’s philosophy to win the hearts and minds of people was to be dishonest and lie to create chaos. This type of personal power is evil and does not last long term. It is failing now.
By what the Wise Men were doing (following a star & prophesizing to Mary & Joseph) and who they were (Magi), they had to have been astronomers & astrologers.
– December 25/26 ushers in BIG changes.
– Each year, many souls pass to the Light through a Spiritual superhighway.
Every New Moon sets up a 28-day cycle of opportunities & cautions. First the good news:December 26 New Moon/Solar Eclipse (12:13 am Eastern Time), begins a new 28-day Moon cycle. Optimism, originality, new beginnings, successful change, excitement & profound spiritual insights! TRUTH comes out.
– Good for business, changing careers & new projects. – Because there is also a solar eclipse, this energy will be with us for 6 months. Yea !!!
November 26 New Moon offered a minefield of emotions for everyone to maneuver through. Change and rebellion! Regardless of which side you are on, it is interesting to note that the House impeached Donald Trump during this particular Moon cycle.
– Jamie Partridge, the Astrology King, named this New Moon, Winners and Losers.
December 12 Full Moon (12:12 am Eastern Time, New York City time) adds hard work, delays and unpredictable emotional relationship challenges to the last 2 weeks of the November New Moon cycle. Adjustments must be made !!!!
– When the boiling point is reached change is demanded. Be patient ! – Remember that December 26 starts a new 28-day Moon cycle.
Merry Christmas is a warm generous heart. This year, Jeffery Hildebrand gave a $100,000 bonus to each of his employees; Jay-Z gave all of his employees $50,000 bonuses.
Donald Trump is right. When the West insanely shipped manufacturing and industry, and the jobs they created to China, a few executives became multi-billionaires. They achieved this by paying radically cheep wages. (For example, a man in India makes $150 a month by working at a dangerous machine, in a filthy factory. There are no safety or environmental standards.) – Western workers were left in the wind. – Horrendous long-term loses for Western countries.
Yea !!!! Greta Thunberg, Sweden’s teenage climate activist, is TIME’S Person of the Year.
Eliatamo, hotel & healing center in Spoleto, Italy.Large healing & class center.
– When I was a young girl, I knew that Adlai Stevenson would NOT be the next President. Ever since then, I’ve always known who the next President would be. For example, I publicly predicted almost a year before their first-term elections, that both Bill Clinton and Barak Obama would win. And when nobody thought they would be voted in for a second term, I publicly predicted that they would be re-elected.
– Early in 2016, I saw that Bernie Sanders would be the next President. That image slowly sank and disappeared. Some individuals remember that I sent out a message just prior to the 2016 election, saying that Trump would be the next President. I do not remember doing that. – HOWEVER anyone who predicted that Hillary Clinton would win was also correct. – Nearly 3 million more people voted for Hillary than voted for Trump.
– The morning after the 2016 election, God’s Angels showed me that Bernie Sanders was supposed to win AND that Trump would only be a 1-term President. I sent this prediction out through my email groups. – Just recently in the newsreels, Trump appears very unwell. – I strongly agree with the dismay of millions of American workers, whose jobs were shipped out of the country so that businesses could USE radically cheep or slave labor in order to make super profits. – Yes, there are prisoners in China who work for private companies and are never paid. – What prevents the Chinese dictatorship from seizing factories and claiming them for the state? – NOT UNHEARD OF: Some countries in the Middle East seized oil wells owned by Western companies. – Maybe Western companies who do this should pay into their own government’s Treasury the difference between what they would have paid to Western workers and what they did pay to workers in poorer countries. AND pay for the environmental damage their factories do because there are no environmental or safety standards in these same countries.
– Getting back to the question: I know for certain that Elizabeth Warren lost her opportunity when for the longest time, she refused to answer the question, “Will taxes be raised for the middle class?” (Not answering a simple yes or no question was also one of Hillary Clinton’s mistakes. Her other mistake was NOT addressing the issue of American business moving their factories to China.) – In addition, her attacks on Pete Buttigieg are disingenuous, because Elizabeth announced in the beginning that she had no intention of ‘criticizing’ any other Democratic candidate. – Now when I ask for the truth, I alternately see unclear images of Michael Bloomberg and Pete Buttigieg. – The short answer is that I do not know.
– I know that it is not far off. – Scientific predictions that Earth will be uninhabitable by the year 2300 or even 2030 are extremely optimistic. – Every year, radical weather events are more & more numerous, and more & more destructive. – Earth does not have to be completely destroyed in order for it to be uninhabitable. – Planet Mars is not an option. There is no close, viable Planet B. – Mars does not have a strong magnetic core. – Do an internet search to find out why a healthy planet needs a strong magnetic core ! – Someone PLEASE tell Elon Musk ! ! !
– After an awakening experience in 2013, I was initiated into Tera Mai™ Reiki and Tera Mai™ Seichem.
– I was able to fulfill my dream of healing others.
– After being initiated into another form of Reiki, the healing energy slowed and then stopped. After reading your website, etc. and watching your videos on YouTube, I think I may have received a manmade initiation.
– Both my students, who are properly attuned and abiding by Buddha’s Tera Mai standards, and myself offer to clear out manmade initiations and re-attune individuals to Tera Mai™, for a donation.
– Anyone who is channeling Universal Healing, such as Tera Mai™, is able to EASILY remove manmade initiations.
– God’s Angels ONLY remove dark, negative energies. – Darkness, scavengers & manmade initiations can and oftentimes do steal Light and Spiritual Gifts.
– Continue to ask God’s Angels, “Please connect me to the Wednesday Night Clearing Wave and the Tera Mai™ healers who are doing the clearings, healings and prayers for abundance & love.” Then meditate or pray, even for 5 minutes.
– Breathe away negative thoughts and emotions as soon as they appear.
– Alternating between eating & fasting is NOT for weight watchers.
– Scientifically proven benefits of time restricted eating include:
– Improved glucose regulation and resistance to stress.
– Limits free radical production & inflammation.
– Fasting helps the body to reset:
– Think of periods of eating like rough ice at the end of a hockey game.
– In a similar way, it is harder for the body to run smoothly at a cellular level.
– Think of fasting like the smooth, slick ice surface after the Zamboni machine cuts the surface & resurfaces the ice.
– At a cellular level the body runs smoothly – It is easier for the body to detox and restore/heal itself.
– Ways in which people fast intermittently:
– During a 5-day period, fast for 2 days.
– Time restricted eating = during a 24-hour day, eat for any consecutive 8 hours. This is the easiest for most people.
– I feel the negative effects in my body when I do not follow time restricted eating.
– Time-restricted eating is NOT for:
– Diabetics – Pregnant women
– Children or teenagers
– People with eating disorders
– People who want to lose weight.
However, this can be a side benefit.