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Q&A Learning Higher Tera Mai™ Initiations


QUESTION:  Respected Madam
You had given me the mastership and permission to initiate people into Aakasha initiation. And as per your instructions I have not given mastership rights  of Aakasha initiation to anybody .
 Madam can I ask for the masterships of 7 holy flames ,  New  Sakara, Cahokia, heart initiation, Egyptian initiation? Could you please bless me with the above mastership, or whichever you feel suitable?
Then, as per your 17th April mail, I can send you the small amount after each higher vibrational initiation.
Thanking you

FIRST OF ALL:  The energies of Reiki, as taught to Takata by Buddha, began to evaporate after she cut the symbol, SAY HEY KEY, in half and made other changes to Reiki initiations.
–  Nobody by the name of Usui (or any derivation of the name, Usui)even attended the University of Chicago. (Call the University of Chicago for yourself.. – – I did.)    –  NOTHING about Takata’s story concerning Usui checks out.  (I checked.  Even the so-called monument to Usui in Japan is laser cut.)  –  Not one of Takata’s Reiki Masters came close to facilitating the quality of healings that Takata was able to do.

ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION:  Yes, I taught you how to give the Tera Mai™ Akasha Seichem initiations.
I have not taught anyone how to give the new Sakara, 7 Holy Flames, Heart Chakra or Egyptian initiations. 
 In an effort to  maintain the connection that Tera Mai/™ initiations have to Divine Source, and that Holy Spirit continues to work  powerfully through Tera Mai™ initiations to clear and heal, Alberto and Alvagh are working on setting up a Tera Mai™ Academy and a new Tera Mai™ website.. 
To this end, people who want to heal can look on the Golden Tera Mai™  Reiki Masters page on  As for the higher initiations, they may have to be given only through the Golden Tera Mai™ Academy.  I suggested in my April 17th email that a small portion of the cost of these initiations be paid to the Tera Mai™ Academy to be used for trademark and other costs.
Previously when I taught people how to give higher initiations, some people I initiated, as well as MANY people that my students taught, and students of my students’ were either not taught properly or decided they could change Tera Mai™ initiations.  Thus, they made their own manmade initiations.   As a result,  higher Tera Mai™ initiations were no longer Universal and no longer connected to DIVINE HEALING.

FURTHERMORE,  alL Tera Mai™ initiations and energies were adversely impacted – – even for myself.  That is why Buddha and the Angels withdrew Divine Energy from the higher Tera Mai™ initiations.   Over the ensuing YEARS, I was given new initiations for the higher vibration initiations.
I still offer to clear and re-initiate those who received these manmade initiations for a donation.
