Joint pain, inflammation or arthritis? You may want to try this: Stop eating nightshades, which include: ALL Tomatoes ALL Peppers & Red Spices Eggplant / Aubergine Potatoes (sweet potatoes are OK) Ashwagandha Tobacco
For Golden Tera Mai™ Reiki Masters – I recently typed out DETAILED instructions for passing on Golden Tera Mai™ Reiki One.
– The contractions, breathing, colors and symbols may also be practiced and used in distant healing. – If you would like it for yourself and students, email a copy of your Golden Tera Mai™ Reiki certificate.
– Tera Mai™ Reiki Masters can be re-initiated into Golden Tera Mai™ Reiki either by myself or others for a donation.
December 2023: Accelerated Time of Expanded consciousness & change-
December 21st / Northern Hemisphere / Winter Solstice
– Darkness (unknown) of winter solstice is NOT the dark evil of Lucifer
– The Winter Solstice is a time to silence your mind and connect to your heart, nature and Spirit.
– Neptune square the Sun + Mars predominates during the December New & Full Moons and the Solstice.
December 26 Full Cold Moon: Look for yourself and discover what is inside the shadow.
– Dissemble any arrogance and hubris that cause disharmony and disconnection.
– Then reassemble into the higher vibrations of the 5th Dimension and New Age through reflection, prayer, ceremony and meditation.
– Find the goodness and youth in your soul.