For one hour and 40 minutes, the subtle vibrations and awesome energy of the Moon’s shadow moved across the Northern Hemisphere. It impacted those watching, – – reconnecting us to Mother Earth and God’s heavens. The incredible energy still works within me, Others who watched or connected to the eclipse are also inexorably changed..
– Do an internet search for news stations covering the April 2024 total eclipse of the Sun.
– I prayed, meditated, and experienced the miraculous energy during the total eclipse.
– When facebook’s video shut down, I prayed that the energy I was feeling go into the Wednesday Night Clearing Wave.
– At the top of any hour on Wednesdays, ask with your heart, “Angels of The Divine, please connect me to the Wednesday Night Clearing Wave and the Tera Mai™ healers who are doing the clearings and healings.“
– Then meditate or pray for whoever or whatever you want for as long as you wish.If you want me to pray or send healing to yourself or another,
please send me an email request and make a donation to PayPal using my email, [email protected] .QUESTION:
You still repeat, Trump is a one-term president. Does that mean Biden will be reelected?ANSWER:
NOT NECESSARILY. I do not know who will be the next President of the United States. Like the 2020 election, I am only shown who will not be president.
Personally, I feel the United States would benefit greatly, if Joe Biden released his delegates at the start of the 2024 Democratic Convention.