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Kathleen's Blog

Hi Luis Felipe!Your vision confirms that the Dark Age is leaving at last, and the long-promised Golden Age is at hand. Much love, Kathleen Milner


2023’s astrological signs & energy gave all of us an opportunity to resolve, clear & heal Karmic debt and issues. Universal demand for Karmic resolution for Karma and Darma (good Karma) continues into the 2024 New Year. Throughout the year 2024,  ACCELERATED CHANGE releases complications caused by the dark age and grounds...

NURAH, pink & red, love & compassion, healing miracles through The Divine Goddess.  Initially, Nurah’s initiation came into the Heart Chakra with the Golden Tera Mai™ Reiki One  initiation.  If that did not occur for you the first time, many of my students and myself offer re-initiations on a donations-are-accepted basis. Recently, Gautama Buddha and The Divine...

On Sunday, October 15, I called upon the energy of the October 14, Annular Eclipse, and the Archetypal Energies found in some Egyptian symbols to record and post a free  guided meditation on Facebook,/Kathleen.Milner. Later that morning, I led a similar guided meditation during the Dublin, Ireland, Egyptian Archetypal constructs /...

Find your creativity, passion & purpose:Strong clearing/healing energies came from both my hands and voice while recording both of the free recent meditations on Facebook/Kathleen.Milner:    –  Archetypal Energies expressed through Egyptian symbology –  Combined September full Moon (Expressing wants through visualization)  & Mercury trine Uranus (Puzzle-solving, brilliance & creativity).   –...

September 29th, Full SuperMoon:  Earth is in the process of moving into a higher dimension.   Jesus states in the New Testament, “Many are called but few are chosen.”  I will record and post a free meditation on Facebook/Kathleen.Milner.  Because of recent, powerful astrological signs, this Full Moon is an OPPORTUNITY to...