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Kathleen's Blog

I say the following because Tera Mai™️ Reiki and Tera Mai™ Seichem are the most popular Reiki systems here in Ireland, due to your work here in the 90s and 2000s.And it is a shame that the old version is still being taught. Too many people are not benefitting from...

1)  Alberto is helping me set up a blog page where I can post newsletters & you may leave comments. 2)  Alberto is also working on a  Golden Tera Mai™ Reiki Master’s Page for those who have been properly initiated or re-initiated into Golden Tera Mai™ Reiki, and are abiding by Buddha’s Tera Mai™...

HOW DO YOU FEEL about a new page on my new website that would begin by listing Golden Tera Mai™ Reiki Masters and their contact information??? If you are interested, please email me.Several people would like me to include such a page on my site, – Years ago, when...

It’s a Secret:   AFTER THE 2024 ELECTION, the far right anti-choice Republicans will expand and use the COMSTOCK ACT, an 1873 bill written by a U.S. Postal employee, to ban abortion pills from being sent through the mail.Christianity, Judaism and Islam are 3 major religions that share the SAME foundation...

DECEMBER 26, 2023 FULL MOON at 7:33 pm ET:   Truth or lies.  Two diametrically opposed conditions are created within the dynamics of this full Moon.  Impossible to pick both sides or sit on the fence. Consequences await, depending upon which path we take.   The two stars closest to the December...

Joint pain, inflammation or arthritis? You may want to try this:  Stop eating nightshades, which include: ALL Tomatoes ALL Peppers & Red Spices Eggplant / Aubergine Potatoes (sweet potatoes are OK) Ashwagandha Tobacco For Golden Tera Mai™ Reiki Masters – I recently typed out DETAILED instructions for passing on Golden Tera Mai™...